We are one day away from the BIG TURKEY DAY!
Are you ready? Whether you're running through the grocery aisles, or baking a ton of pies in preparation for your feast, remember what this Holiday is truely about....GIVING THANKS! We encourage you to savor these moments with your friends, family and loved ones and not just think about the food. (but give thanks for that, too!)
Let Thanksgiving be a kickoff to your Season of GIVING! Give to your neighbor, your local food pantry, your favorite charitable organization, and to yourself. taking time to remember that you're special too and just BREATHE. Don't mark this turkey day as a slippery slope to gaining weight, being unhealthy, and forgetting to B-FIT4U! Take the "season of giving" challenge, and eat mindfully, savoring your blessings, remembering those in need, and stay active!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING and Many Blessings!~FoodieGIRL
And a funny poem just for you!!