Hmmm, I'm just not sure how I feel about a commercial I keep seeing on TV.....
First let me say, I am not one to rant and rave about advertising....well that is not to say that I don't have an opinion, I mean advertisements are meant to make us stand up and notice, evoke some sort of response, right? So we buy the product or use the service. But in general I am light-hearted and usually find the funny in most advertising.
BUT with that said.....this 1-800 DENTIST advertisement has this foodie nutrition coach ANNOYED.
Have you seen it?
The set-up is this......a slightly more curvy woman in workout gear, sitting next to her slimmer "friend", also in workout gear. The curvier woman is talking about how she broke a filling on her tooth when eating a salad with a crouton on it (thus the dentist commercial aspect) which the slimmer "friend" says, "well you shouldn't of been eating carbs" UH.....I get it....they're working out, ha ha ha (said sarcastically) it's supposed to be funny, BUT I just think I am taking issue with the fact that this commercial is depicting curvier wth carbs. Like "if you eat carbs, you won't ever be the skinny girl"
Who wrote this stupid advertisement??????
LISTEN, we all have carb issues sometimes, like maybe that time of the month, or maybe you are an emotional eater, or it's your "go to" before a veggie. And by issue, I mean overeating them and not eating a variety of other foods throughout the day.
BUT we need carbs to effectively keep our bodies running!!
Carbs get a bad rap because in the past, there wasn't enough info about what kind of carbs work best. That is.....whole grains people!! Sure you can eat a baquette that's white, or a regular potato, BUT you also need those good for you grains, that keep you fuller longer because they are filled with fiber, again great for you! Not to mention the vitamin aspects, etc.
CARBS don't equal curvy if you eat them the way they are intended like everything else
Leaving out Carbs from your body can contribute to:
Lack of Fiber, Muscle Loss, Bad Memory Function.
Carb is not a dirty word, but a much needed ingredient in your healthy lifestyle. Whole grains are your friend, keep them close to you along with your greens, veggies and legumes.
VARIETY is your new diet!
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