Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rum vs Vodka

Yes, we're going there today...RUM VS. VODKA!

Why is it that when the weather gets warmer aka. summertime! we all want to cocktail more than we ever have before? Is it the sun, the sand, the pool, the beach?

Well, whatever your drink of choice is think don't want your alcoholic beverages to have tons of sugar. SO choose vodka over sugar-laden rum when making your cocktails (or only have 1 rum drink on occasion) AND whatever cocktails you consume, use sensible portion control, just as you do with food.

WHY? Because your drink beverages add up in calories just as FAST as food calories! 2 drink minimum. Drink Sensibly! B-FIT4U!

And ladies (and gentlemen, too) refreshing white wine, that you oh so love to have chilled on a delightful summer pool day is full guessed it...SUGAR! So again, don't over do it.
You worked hard for that healthy bathing suit bod, don't get the alcohol belly pudge this summer!

Alcohol LOVES to slow down your metabolism and your inhibitions, too causing you to munch munch munch and crunch the wrong foods. So think before you drink this summer!

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