Eating badly doesn't make you a bad person!!
HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN PRIVY TO A CONVERSATION with your friends, OR MAYBE EVEN YOU SAID IT, "I'M GOING TO BE BAD TODAY" All because you wanted a little treat....
STOP THE INSANITY! You and your friends are not "bad" because you ate something unhealthy. That's just crazy!
If you judge yourself in this way, you're only bringing more
negative thoughts about yourself and your body into your mind. Come on! You're awesome, stop it! And you work hard everyday to be the best version of your healthy self that you can be!
negative thoughts about yourself and your body into your mind. Come on! You're awesome, stop it! And you work hard everyday to be the best version of your healthy self that you can be!
more splurge responses. Treat yourself within reason (portion control)
And next time you want to go ape wild on a batch of brownies, stop and see, am I really hungry? Then eat a piece of fruit. THEN have your 1 brownie, or one cookie, or one whatever it is that you are craving.
are for pleasure, it's ok to want them, you're not BAD for eating them.
Keeping them completely out of your life is only going to cause you to overeat later. So within reason, have that one cookie
you're NOT BAD!
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