Monday, April 23, 2012

FRO-YO! It's all the rage! Do you have a favorite place?

I am simply tickled by the sudden resurgence in popularity of the frozen yogurt place. And while fun and festive to swing into your fav place and be able to individualize your order with the "self-service" they offer, and bountiful array of toppings, I can't help but wince just a bit at the cup sizes, or lack there of. I mean, honestly, aren't we all confused enough as to what a true portion size is in our "super-size" society without being handed a "one-size" fits all sundae cup, and allowing us to fill it as we please? If truly this yogurt is good for us (as the walls are covered in these places with things like "low in calories, fat and sugar!") shouldn't we also be told that if we fill that whole bowl full, we have exceeded the 100 calories they are advertising on the wall? And although there are fresh fruit toppings, there are also hundreds of candy, chocolate and syrup toppings. So before you know it, your 100 calorie treat has turned into a 500 calorie or more sugar bomb! Kinda making you wish you had just gone out for ice cream right? Because what's the difference? So next time you head into your favorite "Fro-Yo" joint, unless it's your "splurge day" here's some tips to enjoy your treat sensibly and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle:
1. A serving at these places is 4oz , that's 1/2 cup, (between 100-120calories) so think before you overfill.
2. Consider the fresh fruit before you fill up that entire bowl with candy/chocolate. Or if the chocolate chips or gummi bears are calling your name, consider a tablespoon of your favorite candy topping as a serving.
3. Syrups and whip cream are adding lots of extra sugar and calories to your creation, so if you are eating frozen yogurt because you feel it's good for you, than put down those extra sugary toppings and save those calories for a real meal later.


  1. I saw someone say put the fruit in first then put a little yogurt on top. Helps control portion size.
