Is the weekend your dietary downfall? You're not alone! It's easy when the days seem longer as you lounge with your friends at the local cafe on a Saturday, sipping all the latest cocktails and indulging in all those "extras". But trying to be healthy while still enjoying some downtime, doesn't have to put a wrench into your plans. Here are some tips for staying on track, even if you have 3 birthday parties to go to today, and a girls night tonight!
Weekend Warrior Tips: (staying on track and still enjoying your days off from the grind)
1. Start with a healthy breakfast (yes, "they" were right! most important meal of the day and shouldn't be sacrificed just because you know you will be consuming extra calories later in the day). a simple bowl of cereal with fruit will give you the charge you need to make it to all those weekend events and jumpstart your metabolism to effectively process those extra calories you foresee this weekend.
2. Pick one day to be your "happy meal" some nutrition coaches would call this your cheat meal, but I feel like that has a negative connotation and gives the healthy eater the impression that when they eat something that is not necessarily healthy, they are being "bad". How many times have you been around the table with your friends when you heard "oooh I am going to be bad today and order..." Just not a good statement to make when you want to have a healthy outlook on food. So for me, a "happy meal" consists of something I just don't want to do a recipe makeover to. Like my favorite mexican meal, or that chock full of whole fat dairy lasagna at my favorite Italian restaurant. Sure these things you can remake at home using healthier ingredients, but if that's what your craving this week, then pick your day to indulge and have your favorite meal in it's original form. You can even throw in dessert or your favorite glass of wine! Just remember, portion control will keep you from feeling uncomfortable in your pants! And for the rest of the day, eat as you would normally.
3. Don't party graze, leave that for the livestock Do you have one too many events to attend this weekend? Then plan ahead before you go! Decide at which party you want to eat the cake, you don't need dessert at every event. And when you arrive, and the appetizer table is whispering to you, grab a small plate and go through the table once. Take a bit of everything if you please, but no need to then stand at the table and continue to graze. You have your perfect plate all assembled, grab a glass a wine and sit back, relax and savor each bite. Why? Because you're in control of your healthy lifestyle with each choice you make. :)
Weekend Warrior Tips: (staying on track and still enjoying your days off from the grind)
1. Start with a healthy breakfast (yes, "they" were right! most important meal of the day and shouldn't be sacrificed just because you know you will be consuming extra calories later in the day). a simple bowl of cereal with fruit will give you the charge you need to make it to all those weekend events and jumpstart your metabolism to effectively process those extra calories you foresee this weekend.
2. Pick one day to be your "happy meal" some nutrition coaches would call this your cheat meal, but I feel like that has a negative connotation and gives the healthy eater the impression that when they eat something that is not necessarily healthy, they are being "bad". How many times have you been around the table with your friends when you heard "oooh I am going to be bad today and order..." Just not a good statement to make when you want to have a healthy outlook on food. So for me, a "happy meal" consists of something I just don't want to do a recipe makeover to. Like my favorite mexican meal, or that chock full of whole fat dairy lasagna at my favorite Italian restaurant. Sure these things you can remake at home using healthier ingredients, but if that's what your craving this week, then pick your day to indulge and have your favorite meal in it's original form. You can even throw in dessert or your favorite glass of wine! Just remember, portion control will keep you from feeling uncomfortable in your pants! And for the rest of the day, eat as you would normally.
3. Don't party graze, leave that for the livestock Do you have one too many events to attend this weekend? Then plan ahead before you go! Decide at which party you want to eat the cake, you don't need dessert at every event. And when you arrive, and the appetizer table is whispering to you, grab a small plate and go through the table once. Take a bit of everything if you please, but no need to then stand at the table and continue to graze. You have your perfect plate all assembled, grab a glass a wine and sit back, relax and savor each bite. Why? Because you're in control of your healthy lifestyle with each choice you make. :)
4. The 80/20 rule that is 80% of the time you keep to your healthy lifestyle, eating whole foods, and staying active. 20% is your flex time to do as you would like. So whenever your downtime is, don't use it to completely fall off the "wagon of healthy". Remember to exericise portion control, then you won't have to deny yourself that pie, you can have a slice.
Great tips!