Any day can throw you a curve get on the scale after the weekend and see that indeed 3 lbs in 3 days is a possibility to gain, your boss called and said that raise was not in the cards this month, your head is giving you every excuse to not go to the gym, it's raining on a monday and you just don't like rain.......see at every turn there is an excuse to stop moving forward.
The question to ask yourself today is "what's my excuse?"
You see we all have bills, troubles, happiness and sadness, family and friends, the ying to our yang, the ability to stay stagnant in our lives, not moving forward, not living for the moment. But life is a series of ups and downs, and as soon as you embrace that fact, you can move forward with passion and drive. You can fufill your wants and desires. You see the most joy filled day, can and will at times, be tainted with a bit of doom and gloom, but how you CHOOSE to react to those hardships, is a strength that lies inside all of us, and you can do it!. It's all in what you CHOOSE to do with adversity! Sure there are some circumstances that seem beyond our control, perhaps yours is how you grew up, or that time in college when you had that falling out with a friend, or the people you are choosing to surround yourself with are less than uplifting. But what you should embrace is that you have the choice to change your circumstance. Friends that bog you down, let them go; relationships should lift you up! Defined by your past? Rubbish! You can redefine yourself any day, any time, any place! It all comes down to your own choices.
So next time you find yourself on the "excuse wagon" when it comes to being the best version of YOU, silence that inner critic and look forward. Write down your goals and keep them with you. You want to lose weight, make a plan. You want to exercise more often, do it! Consistency in your positive thoughts is just as important as being consistent in going to the gym. Your mind is your power! Unlock it's potential by making a positive choice to embrace your life as a work in progress, embrace your body as your own temple, embrace your happiness from within, AND you will shine in all areas of your life. If you want it ALL, you can have it ALL, it's ALL up to you and the CHOICES you make.
Stop making excuses!
"I treasure all of the experiences I have had in my life. Each experience in my life was absolutely necessary in order to take me to the next place, and the next, up until this very moment."~ Wayne Dyer
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