So you're back to work, back to school, still home with the kids crawling on you and the laundry piling up (not that I'm complaining ;) AND you're ready to attack that "healthy for 2013" goal, head on! Yes, me too! Now when you're processing a goal and you one to stick to it, it's soooo easy for the adrenaline to have you shooting for the moon first BUT, you're going to run out of steam. I've seen it, I've done it, I've been there. So take your goal, to be healthier, lose weight or smile more often (hey we all could smile more, don't you think?) AND break it down! Small goals, BIG SUCCESSES!
So because I WANT US to succeed (yes, why would I make you do this and not do a self-check myself?) Let's break down our time to an 8 week challenge! A jumpstart to healthy that, after 8 weeks, you will have established new healthy habits that will be second nature to you! And that's what we want, right? New healthy habits, weight loss and bigger smiles! Now I have tons of tips, tricks, snack and meal ideas to keep you going for months, and I will be posting them everyday throughout this 8 week challenge, BUT to get you started, here are 8 ways to get you adopting healthier habits in 8 weeks!
8 Week challenge:
Drink more water (put down the sugar laden coffees, sodas, juice and yes, diet soda! and drink only water OR lowfat milk (almond or soy if you prefer, my beautiful vegetarians and lactose free-ers :) at each and every meal, and when you're hungry! Often we are thirsty before we are hungry, so drink up before you eat up!
Green tea - scientific studies continue to prove that green tea is good for us! Metabolism boosting AND full of antioxidants to ward of diseases. Aim to drink at least 2 cups a days, and if it's a little weak tasting for you, brew your favorite herbal flavored tea to with it and mix it together. Cold or hot it's delicious!
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar! Save your sweet treat for once a week. Sugar turns into fat, it's a mood tester (yes it can make you moody and cranky). And be mindful throughout your week as to where it's sneaking up on you.....your protein bars, your drinks, your snacks. Look for products low in sugar. (and avoid fake sugars, your body does not know how to process these chemicals, yes chemicals! And they cause you to overeat! Yep, not what we are going for!)
5 A Day Eat those fruits and vegetables! Put them in a smoothie, throw some fruit on your cereal, eat some raw veggies while you're cooking up dinner, grab an apple as you run out the door. There's lots of ways to get those fruits and veggies in, so get creative!
Get off the scale! Weigh yourself today, and then again next wednesday and so on. Once a week. You should be losing 1 to 2lbs a week, if you're not, you need to modify you're eating and exercise plan. Remember slow and steady win the race!
Exercise start small with 20 minutes a day. You know you don't think you have time right now, but you do! You must make the time. 20 minutes is totally doable! What your favorite show and get moving, whether it be dancing to your favorite CD, using light weights, jump roping or using an exercise machine. If you're not sure where to start......THE FIRM videos are awesome and will keep you motivated, like a personal trainer, without that big bill!
MIND GAMES 80% of this is in your mind. You must stay POSITIVE and FOCUSED AND know that YOU CAN DO THIS! If you are having a hard time telling yourself how wonderful you are, ask a friend to exercise with you, join a gym with those uber perky group exercise instructors, and keep reminding yourself with post-it notes all over your refrigerator, why it is you want to change!
8. Last,
FOOD LOG! Write down for a week (longer if you can, but a week will really be eye-opening) all that you eat for 7 days straight, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You will get to see where it is you're overeating, where you're not eating enough, and why you're not losing weight, as well as if you're eating enough protein, veggies, fruit, and if you're overdoing it on sugar and empty calorie snacks.