When was the last time someone said to you,
"You are fat"........what was your response? Was it you? Are you sabotaging your weight loss? Are you beating yourself up with your thoughts? Are you the one calling yourself names?
Did you know that your healthy journey doesn't start with anyone but YOU?
Yes, you and your mind. You see you're already perfect just the way you are. Your smile should tell your story, not the memories of when you weighed this that or the other. You see you are not the number on the scale. That number is only there to keep you within a range of healthy, cause yes "fat" is not good for our bodies, but YOU are already a divine masterpiece. So start treating yourself that way, from the inside out, take care of YOU.
And that starts with healthy "self-talk". Today look in the mirror and what you see as imperfections, view as uniquely YOU because that's exactly what they are!
And when you choose to eat healthy and exercise, do it because you want to maintain that "masterpiece" not knock it down with negativity. YOU need to be your biggest fan! oxoxo
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