Tuesday, July 3, 2012

5 things you can do NOW to jumpstart your weight loss!

Stuck in a weight loss rut? Think that a "plateau" is just apart of the journey? Or are you using that as an excuse to not push yourself further......sounds like you need a jumpstart to your full potential! Come on, you've worked so hard to adopt a healthy lifestyle, don't turn back now!

5 Things you can do NOW to jumpstart your weight loss:

1. The 20 minute meal rule: Did know it take 20 minutes for your tummy  to signal your brain that you're full? That's right! Before you reach for that second helping, remember to wait 20 minutes and see if you're really hungry.

2. Interval Eating: You should be eating something every 3 hours, and that's NOT just when you're trying to lose weight. In order to keep your energy and metabolism up, it's important to add fuel to your body. Don't "food dump" every 5-6 hrs by overating because you forgot your snacks. 3 meals and 2 snacks a day will keep your metabolism revved up and your body working most efficiently. And like everything, this new habit takes time to learn, so try it for a week, and see how wonderful you feel! You'll never want to go back to your old ways of waiting until noon for your first meal again!

3. The 30 minute exercise rule: After your workout, WAIT to eat. Of course, go hog wild on your water to replenish your body, but wait 30 minutes before you eat something. WHY? Because during that time, even though your workout has ended, your body is still attacking the fat you have worked so hard to get rid of. If you eat, then your body will use that revved up metabolism to attack the food, instead of the fat. SO drink up that water, but wait to eat. And when you do eat something, make sure it's a great combination of carbs/protien. 1/2 a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread is a great treat!

4. Protein and Whole Grains: If you find you're eating every 3 hours, but still hungry, take a look at what you're eating....are you consuming empty calories? Make sure that with each meal you get some source of protein; whether that be from eggs, lowfat dairy (milk/cheese) or
lean proteins. And when it comes to carbohydrates, choose breads, crackers, pasta and rice that is full of whole grains. Whole grains take longer to digest, as they have not been overprocessed like simple carbs (white bread), so they are full of fiber and minerals that your body needs, and will keep you fuller longer!

5. YOUR MIND YOUR BODY: Don't forget the most important part of this equation, YOU! This is your mind, your body! Love yourself and you will WANT to take care of yourself. As with all things in life, it all starts with a choice. Make your choice to B-FIT4U, not your family, not your friends, not society's ideals of what is thin, overweight, or curvy. Your body is uniquely yours, love it, embrace it and never forget that your mind is your POWER!
This is your life, take charge of it!

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