Tuesday, August 20, 2013


THE POWER OF THE MIND is well, a POWERFUL thing! If you're going to sit there in front of the mirror ridiculing what you perceive to be your "flaws", then you're ultimately setting yourself up for weight loss failure. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE TO ACHIEVE! First off, you're beautiful inside and out.. Secondly, your extra weight is not good for your health, PLAIN TRUTH!.And you don't want that for the beautiful soul inside of you.
SO to change this, you must start with a POSITIVE MIND.
FOCUS on the good, make small changes, ask for help, start journaling your food intake to see where changes can be made, ask for help, see yourself as the beautiful person you are and take positive steps to a positive change, and ASK FOR HELP! Whether it's from a good friend, family member, or trained professional food guru, like moi ;)  OR a personal trainer, ASK FOR HELP! You don't have to do this alone! YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT! And there are so many people willing to help, you just have to ask. And if you think you need to be a celebrity to have a nutrition coach or a personal trainer, well throw that excuse out the window! You don't have to use a professional for a long period of time, you can pick our brains for one session, and believe me, you will come away with a POSITIVE OUTLOOK and GOALS to ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS and a POSITIVE MIND!


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