Friday, May 25, 2012

Belly Fat!

 Have you heard the term "visceral fat" and just how dangerous it can be? According to Wise Geek:
"Visceral fat is different from other body fat. Visceral fat, also called intra-abdominal fat, refers to the fat that surrounds the internal organs. Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is body fat that is close to the skin's surface and is considered less dangerous, and easier to lose, than visceral fat.
Studies have shown that those with visceral fat are more susceptible to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension. Sedentary people, smokers and drinkers have been shown to have more intra-abdominal fat, or visceral fat, than active people who are non-smokers and non-drinkers. Stress may also be a factor in the storage of visceral fat on the body."

Yikes! So does belly fat gotcha down? Here are some Belly Fat Burners that paired with an active lifestyle, can get you burning that visceral fat in no time, and more importantly, not fearing your next physical!

Burn THAT Belly FAT Foods:



Protien Powder Shakes

Olive Oil




Lean Meats/Fish

Whole Grains

Green Vegetables (things like spinach/broccoli)

Peanut Butter~

(only a portion though, 2 Tablespoons!)

Dairy (lowfat or fat free)

Avocado (portion is ½ cup serving)

Green tea

Parmesan cheese (high in protein!)

Cannelini Beans

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