Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Check-Up Time!

I'm reading my calendar this morning and it always gives me a laugh! Today it says:

Let me give you my three-step secret for a long and fruitful life.
1. Purchase fruit
2. Live a long time
3. Repeat

Hee hee hee! Aaaah so true, though, right? Fruit does do the body good! So with that, I thought today would be a great day to give our health journey a "check-up". To remember why we started this journey in the first place, will not only help renew our travels, but  keep us moving forward to a healthier lifestyle
7 Golden Foodie Rules
1. Flush water (if you haven't already, read up on my blog post about this fat flushing water, and why often we mistake our body's thirst for hunger)
2. Sugar challenge (read those labels, you could be eating more sugar throughout the day than you thought!)
3. Eat less, move more (calories, serving sizes and get moving! even if it's just a powerwalk at your lunch hour)
4. Eating in moderation and in balance (a variety of foods, along with eating only a portion will keep you healthy and strong! and in those skinny jeans...)
5. Breakfast (most important meal of the day, stop the excuses and get on it!)
6. Interval eating (are you eating every 2-3 hrs, or 3 meals/2 snacks, spaced out in this time? it's important to keep your energy up and rev up that metabolism, and this will do it!)
7. B-FIT4U! (your getting healthy for YOU, not your husband, not your girlfriends, not your boyfriend, not your family, for YOU! So stay focused on the important person here, YOU! You're worth it!!)

As always my friends....good FOOD for thought..........
"A healthy mind, brings a healthy spirit, feed it with LOVE and nutrition"~ FoodieGIRL

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