Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pep talk! You got this!

Hello B-fitters! How proud we are of you today! You are moving, grooving and getting healthy and that is apparent to me from all your emails! You got this! Once you realize that healthy is not skinny, healthy is a beautiful soul exuding from the inside out, then you can take care of yourself, body and mind! Life is a journey, highs and lows are apart of it and always will be. Guess is your health journey! Sometimes you will feel invincible, and sometimes a donut will win...but that doesn't mean you have to fall straight off the good eating wagon. It means you are not perfect, soooo no one expects you to eat perfect. None of us are perfect, I mean how boring if we were! So do your best, keep yourself first, love your body, keep moving forward, find that 30min a day to run, walk, jog, pop a exercise dvd in, yoga, meditate, whatever it takes! And fill your body with food that brings you energy, don't forget serving sizes and portion will make a world of difference in maintaining your successful health journey. And don't forget to smile, it is your greatest strength to get through even the toughest day. You got this!

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