Monday, June 11, 2012

Why you just shouldn't skip BREAKFAST

I have to admit, I defnitely wasn't always a breakfast eater. In fact, I can still remember my mom throwing a bagel to me as I would jump into my car and drive off to high school, pleading with me that I needed to start the day out right! And I remember choking down that bagel, not feeling any better about the choice. But hey, you get older, you get wiser and you get tired, yep tired....TIRED of feeling sluggish in the middle of your day. You know the feeling? At first I thought..."Maybe more caffeine will fix the problem" But as we all know, a "quick fix" is never the answer. Then I came across an article in a fitness magazine that just made sense....."BREAKFAST the most important meal of the day!" Of course!
Now it took some time to get used to...planning, remembering, and eating breakfast for those of us "non-breakfast eaters" takes some time getting used to because you're adopting a new habit. But the benefits of this new habit, are well BENEFICIAL and SO IMPORTANT on your HEALHTY JOURNEY! And here's why:

Breakfast is just SO GOOD FOR YOU!

The next time you're thinking of skipping the breakfast, think of the following reasons to return to healthy habits.

  • Fuel food. A healthy breakfast gives you enough nutrition to stimulate your body for hours.
  • Better eating habits. Researches have shown those who have breakfast consume more vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and less fat and cholesterol.
  • Reduce Calorie. Researches have shown that People without breakfast tend to take more calories throughout the day than those who do not eat lunch.
  • Less diabetes risk. Researches have shown that those who have breakfast regularly have much less risk to be diabetic than those who do not have breakfast.
  • Weight control. Studies show that people who eat breakfast are actually in control of their weight.
  • Raised focus. According to the studies, those who eat breakfast can focus better and be more productive all morning.
  • Better memory. Studies have shown that eating breakfast improves memory and learning. In one study College students who had breakfast did 22 percent higher in a test than those who did not have meal in that morning.
  • Better fitness. Studies show that those who eat breakfast are more energetic and may spend more time in physical activity than those who don't eat breakfast.
  • Better mood. Those who do not eat breakfast may feel more tired, irritable or sad than those who eat breakfast. If you really do not have time, take some fresh fruit with you and that can hike up your mood.
  • Stress Management. The time you spend eating breakfast can be unwinding and help you to emotionally get ready for the day. Eating breakfast also
And remember a healthy breakfast starts with things like fiber-rich cereals, fruit, lowfat yogurt, lean meats and eggs.

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