And I know what you're going to tell me, "I know it's BAD for me, BUT...."
AND you're right! No "buts" about it! It is BAD for you, AND that shouldn't be taken lightly.
So you love your diet soda. You've been dating for years now and your both happy so why change, right? Think again.....
"There is nothing good or nutritious in diet soda. Just as regular soda offers nothing but empty calories, diet soda offers just plain nothing. Why waste your time and valuable stomach space for no benefit when you could instead have skim milk, juice, or water. Calcium, vitamins, and hydration area all much more important than a sweet fix."
"According to, drinking just one diet soda a day can have health consequences. Many diet sodas contain phenylalanine, an amino acid that can be dangerous to those who suffer from phenylketonuria. If you have this disease, you shouldn't drink diet sodas or many other protein-rich foods because the body cannot process phenylalanine.
The Mayo Clinic has said that artificial sweeteners can trigger increased sugar cravings. Just as regular sodas can change the drinker's taste choices so that non-sweetened foods seem bland, diet sodas can have the same effect. Dr. David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, a Harvard professor and Founding Director of the Optimal Weight for Life (OWL) clinic at Children’s Hospital, Boston, says that diet sodas may be even worse because artificial sweeteners are three times as sweet as natural sugars. They may encourage poor food choices in other areas because the drinker feels they are saving on calories by having diet soda."
Diet Soda drinkers may face a higher risk of kidney problems, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
I KNOW.... just like a smoker, you can't see inside you're body so it's easy to look away from the damage that's happening inside.... BUT with the facts being what they are, how can you continue to sabotage your body like that?
So start today with easing up with just one soda, then
tomorrow, skip it....then increase this time in between until you're having only 1 a week, then 1 every 2 weeks, then once a month, until that becomes am "on occassion", and then eventually you'll be proudly saying, "I used to be addicted to that stuff, but no more, it doesn't have a hold on me!"
***AND then substitute with other things like sparkling water (no artificial sweetener, though!) and add your own fruit juice or real fruit to it! You'll get all the sparkle of soda, without all that junk that's harming your body.***
Thanks! I 'quit' diet soda last week and was craving one really bad until I read this!