Wednesday, October 24, 2012


QUINOA! Heard of it? Not sure how to pronounce it? (keeen-wa) Wonder what all the hub-bub is about it? WELL, I have all the delicious answers for you!

Our friends at tell us that:
QUINOA is one of the ancient food staples of the Incas, it was called "The Mother Grain." An ivory-colored, tiny, bead-shaped grain. Its flavor is delicate, and has been compared to couscous or rice. Quinoa is lighter, but can be used in any way suitable for rice. Quinoa contains more protein than any other grain, and is higher in unsaturated fats and lower in carbohydrates than most grains and is a very good source of calcium, iron, phosphorous, B vitamins,and vitamin E. Quinoa's slow-releasing carbohydrates help to maintain blood sugar levels.

DID YOU JUST READ THAT???  More PROTEIN than any other grain!? Not to mention all the vitamin benefits AND helps to maintain blood sugar levels so you're fuller longer! WOOO HOOO!
So next time in you're in the store, pick some up! You prepare it just as you do rice and can add a gazillion different things to it, just as you would rice or pasta. ENJOY!! And do me a favor, stop cutting carbs from your diet, and just eat healthy ones like QUINOA instead! Your body will thank you with a ton of ENERGY!

Here's two of my favorite brand varities but there are tons out there, so get shopping!

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