Friday, November 9, 2012

Hey there Sporty Spice!

So you don't like to exercise, blah blah blah....I get ya. I have heard the excuses; no time, don't like to sweat (that one always makes me giggle), don't know how, don't know what to do, don't like it, don't wanna! Guess what?! None of those excuses are good enough, want to know why?? Because this is not about obtaining the "perfect" body, it's about keeping a healthy heart, body and mind! You need to keep that body moving to ward off obesity, disease, and plain old couch potato syndrome. You know what that is....when you fall asleep sitting up in front of the TV with the remote in your hand and popcorn sprinkled all around you. Not a pretty sight people. So how do you get the motivation to start moving? GET SPORTY!
Wanna shape up, have fun and hang out with friends?? JOIN A TEAM! Yes, remember when you used to play sports as a kid? Remember how much FUN it was? Well, why aren't you having fun as an adult? YES, you can still join a sports team as a grown-up and guess what!?! That is EXERCISE!! Not sure where to start? Check out or or a local community website in your area and you'll find tons of recreational teams for volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf, soccer, the list is endless! So get out there and SCORE one for your HEART!

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