Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What motivates you?

So as I slowly got out of bed this morning, into the morning rush, realizing that yet again I seem to be "slothing" around, with a million excuses for laziness rambling around in my head..(must be the winter colder temps, it's still dark out when the alarm goes off, I just don't have enough time in the day to get everything done and I'm staying up too late, I deserve some extra zzzz's,. etc) I realized I need some motivation! How about you? I mean, I'm up each day with a good stretch, I get my exercise quota in, and I'm eating much better now that the holiday leftovers have left the building, ha ha BUT my exercise plan has gone stale, I'm bored, time for a CHANGE! So I thought I would share with you my tips, that I use, when I want to get my groooooooove back; when everything else seems to be telling me to go back to bed!

1. Don't like to exercise? You're not alone! ~Exercise is essential to keep your body and mind healthy! So instead of saying, "I need to drop X amount of pounds" and feeling like "Wow that will take forever!!" Start with small goals each week. Like "this week I will exercise 4 days at this time of day, for this long" Small goals bring big resutls, and you're more likely to stick to the plan!

2. Negative Talk~Get out of your head! Negative self-talk will only bring you down! Motivate yourself with a positive mantra like, "I am worth it, I am wonderful, I am beautiful, I am confident" This will help you throughout life, not only in the gym, but with relationships, work and family. Remember, you're worth it!!

3. Get a friend~Not a self-starter? That's ok! Sometimes exercise can seem less grueling with a pal by your side, so make a date with a friend to workout, instead of lunch, you're body will love you for it!

4. Swimsuit Fun~ don't let the winter months be an excuse to pack on the pounds. Take out that swimsuit, those shorts, or sleeveless tank top and hang it up where you can see it. You will eventually be back into those warm weather clothes before you know it, so use them as a motivation to stay on top of your exercise routine and eating healthy.

5. Those Happy Endorphins~sure cupcakes can bring bliss, but just for a moment, then that sugar crash leaves us empty, physically and mentally. BUT exercise, now that is a Happy Snack worth embracing. Exercise does indeed send happy thoughts to our brain, to beat stress, alleviate frustration and boost those feel good endorphins, so don't give up, get moving! (even if for just 20-30 minutes each day!)

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