Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I have a sweet tooth, I admit it.(ok a savory one, too!)...BUT I am also fully aware how sugar wreaks havoc on your body. Ugh! But with that said, does this mean that you, (and I) have to never, ever, ever visit our favorite dessert again? Of course not! That's where that "everything in moderation" piece of advice comes in. And it's true! But to truly follow this moderation rule, you have to understand the dangers and addictive properties of sugar, so that when you want to dive headfirst into a dozen cupcakes, or a hot fudge sundae the size of your head, you'll remember, "I CAN eat this, but mindfullypracticing portion control and without binging"
So here it goes, the TRUTH about SUGAR:

By Organic Nutrition: SUGAR is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE

"The white crystalline substance we know of as sugar is an unnatural substance produced by industrial processes (mostly from sugar cane or sugar beets) by refining it down to pure sucrose, after stripping away all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes and other beneficial nutrients.
What is left is a concentrated unnatural substance which the human body is not able to handle, at least not in anywhere near the quantities that is now ingested in today's accepted lifestyle. Sugar is addictive. The average American now consumes approximately 115 lbs. of sugar per year. This is per man, woman and child.
The biggest reason sugar does more damage than any other poison, drug or narcotic is twofold: "

  • (a) It is considered a "food" and ingested in such massive quantities, and
  • (b) The damaging effects begin early, from the day a baby is born and is fed sugar in its formula. Even mothers milk is contaminated with it if the mother eats sugar, and
  • (c) Practically 95% of people are addicted to it to some degree or other.

    So should I never eat sugar? Well, of course not, let's be reasonable here, BUT "know" before you "do", that is read your labels on EVERYTHING! Realize that you're going to have that piece of cake or ice cream sundae sometimes, but your cereal, snacks, soups, condiments, spaghetti sauce, even hot dogs should not be laden with the stuff! Sugar can be found just about everywhere, in everything! So be aware of where your sugar intake is coming from, so when you do want that piece of cake, you can have it!

    PS. What do I think of sugar substitutes, NOT A FAN! Why you ask? Because they are "artificial" and your body doesn't know what to do with them when processing them (and they make you crave more sugar, just like "real" sugar) Don't even get me started on diet soda, oh yes we will have get to that another day. SO look for natural sugars before you overdo it on the "artificial stuff"
    Natural Sugar vs Refined Sugar
    "The body metabolizes both sugars differently. Natural sugars come with plant minerals and contains fewer calories. Refined sugar is higher in calories and contains many of the chemicals used to remove impurities."

    Natural Sugars to look for on product labels:
    brown rice syrup, maple syrup, molasses, xylitol, agave nectar, cane sugar, honey

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