Monday, June 17, 2013

5 Things you can do today!

There are so many ways to get healthy these days....let's see, if  you have dancin' feet, you got the ZUMBA exercise craze, right? OR You could lift weights, get a trainer, run a marathon, take a walk with a friend, skip carbs, avoid gluten, jump through hoops and still lose nothing. UGH, right? With so many diet fads, crazes, and exercises to figure out, how do you know what will work for you??
SO let's break it down to 5 things you can do this week to get going to health! Sure you can still try every exercise out there until you find what works for your lifestyle and time management, schedule, etc, and you should, GET MOVING! BUT when it comes to food, you have to be consistent and the best way to get in the mindset to do just that is to start like this:


1. Get some SLEEP (yes, lose your shut eye and it's one slippery slope to bad food choices)
2. Drink WATER (flush the fat, keep yourself hydrated, and stop drinking unwanted calories!)
3. Avoid SUGAR (sugar turns to fat, enough said ;)
4. FRUITS AND VEGGIES (nobody got overweight eating fruits and vegetables, get my drift? good for you in so many ways!)
5. Avoid ALCOHOL (it's a metabolism slower, now why would you want that? moderation is key here!)

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