Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Positive Mind!

Feeling down, feeling blue, wish life would bring you something new?
 DID YOU KNOW that your thoughts hold the POWER to your weight loss success, or lack there of......yes! You see, if you're going to constantly beat yourself up over those pounds you have gained, you're doing nothing but causing a constant feeling of negativity to inhabit your being. YOU in a sense are the WALL standing between your success and your failure. And LOOK, we ALL (yes everyone!) is going to fall off the "food wagon" sometimes. We're all going to be going along, minding our own business, eating well and working out, and then there's going to be a cupcake, or maybe two, or a Mexican night out with a 1/2 lb burrito that consumes you. We all do it! BUT that's no excuse to keep doing it, or to speak negatively about yourself, to yourself for overeating. Stop beating yourself up!

If you want to lose weight, YOU must start with your mind! You see you're already beautiful! That soul inside of you, it's not skinny or overweight, it's brilliantly bright. So give it some LOVE. Take each step in life, as just that, "a single step" towards something good for you. Today, eat an apple, tomorrow avoid those chips, the next day, try something new. It's all about the choices we make each day that help us to lose the weight in the long run. Small goals, big results. You want to create for yourself small changes that help you to reach your larger goal~ To be HEATHY inside and out! And that starts with being kind to your mind.
Positivity is a powerful tool in your weight loss journey, use it!
Peace and Positivity Thinking~ FoodieGIRL

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