Friday, June 14, 2013

Support System

Weight loss shouldn't be a SOLO need a SUPPORT SYSTEM to get through those bumps in the road, right? Of course you do! Whether it's your friends or family, you want to build a strong support system around you when it comes weight loss, why? Because times can get tough! You might want to quit, you might want to eat a bag of Lay's potato chips instead of a salad, and then you want to cry because you thought you had it all under control, then the guilt sets in, so you wash it all down with a diet coke, but then you realize you read on this blog how "diet" sodas are the enemy, so you throw that can of soda to the side and think, "what have I done? is there a diet out there that will ever work for me? where is my willpower?" You see....weight loss can sometimes turn an otherwise happy day into crazy SO get that support system to help you SNAP OUT OF IT!!!
This is a JOURNEY, I repeat JOURNEY! There is no wrong way or right way, but there is a B-eingFIT4U way, and that's first loving yourself enough to WANT to be HEALTHY. (and we know swimming in a bag of chips, well just not all that healthy ;) SO call your mom, your dad, your brother/sister, your best friend, your one true love and say..."Listen, having a bad day, week, month of eating crazy...can you help me to stay on track?" YES, find the right people who love and respect you and your decision to get healthy, and you will have SUPPORT! And take it! Grab that friend to exercise with you, or just to check in once a week with to talk about your food choices. A SUPPORT SYSTEM is just as important and you taking that first step to HEALTHY! You know you're worth it and your support system does, too!

Happy Weekend B-Fitter's!~ FoodieGIRL

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