Monday, September 9, 2013


B-fitter's stand up and be counted!
You've been working so hard on being the very best YOU that YOU can B, but have you forgotten something along the way? We have spent weeks on feeding your body, let's NOT forget about your SOUL! You see, your overall wellness has to include the very essence that which is YOU....your SOUL. Your mind is more than 1/2 your battle when it comes to losing weight, staying fit, and feeling great! So today stop your rat race to be perfect in the perfect body. YOUR LIFE, YOUR FITNESS, YOUR GOALS are a JOURNEY! It's not about the destination...... that will come, that is inevitable, and it may even be better than you DREAMED it could be!
It is truly, magically, wonderfully about the
Enjoy each beautiful step you make today, tomorrow and this week.
Savor each breath you take. Be thankful for the blessings in your life. You are uniquely you, stand up and be counted and enjoy your journey one step at a time!
YOUR JOURNEY is what you make it by the choices you make to B-FIT4U! Are you up for the challenge? We believe in you, it's time to believe in yourself :)

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