Monday, July 21, 2014

Here ya go!

Time to reevaluate your summer and reboot! That is it's never too late to undo any healthy eating patterns you've adopted over the summer. Perhaps your weekend cocktail has turned into a 7 day slosh fest;) OR your one sweet a day has creeped into a lot of sugar throughout your whole day. Are you overeating those carbs and forgetting your salad for lunch or are late night cravings packing on the pounds? Well then indeed it's time to reboot!! And start don't have to go cold know better, this never works and always leaves you and everyone that knows you, miserable, cause you're hungry!! First start with the basics Interval eating...rev up that metabolism with small meals every 3 hours Try switching your carb laden lunch OR dinner with a healthy salad and soup combo No eating after dinner, late night eating is only going to pack on the pounds Start with a a healthy breakfast And when it comes to where it's hidden, beverages, baked goods, AND be mindful when eating. Perhaps one sweet a day :) Measure out those servings and portion control! Always a great way to eat what you want, and lose those pounds or maintain your weight loss. Now don't feel you have to do ALL these things at once....start slow, adopt 1 or 2 of these healthy habits a week until ALL of them ARE apart of your healthy routine. Don't wait for FALL to lose the pounds, start TODAY on your way to HEALTHY! YOU'RE worth it! B-FIT4U :)

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