Thursday, August 9, 2012

Are you sabotaging your weight loss?

Could you be the one sabotaging your weight loss? Is it always about the next diet fad for you? Are you letting the people you surround yourself with, dictate your eating habits? It's time to gain control of your thoughts and your habits! YOU are the only one who can turn your life around! Your healthy journey is all up to YOU! And I know you can do it!
Periodically review your "health journey" checklist to get yourself back up on that" food wagon". And more importantly to remember that your overall health is more important than your what size jeans you're wearing, so strive to choose to be active and incorporate good for you food, as well as exercise into your life. Ice cream is not sabotaging you, your choice to eat it in mass quantities more than occasionally is. Everything in moderation.....oh yes, I will keep saying it until you believe it! It's time to set yourself FREE from that diet, and instead choice healthy habits!
1. portion control, serving size, read those labels, measure that food until you know exactly how much you should, or should not be eating
2. calories, be aware of how much you're eating throughout the day
3. surround yourself with positivity, friends and family that will lift you up!
4. sleep.....get some,and you will make better choices throughout the day
5. don't diet, choose healthy! moderation is key!
6. make yourself and your health a priority! B-FIT4U!
7. don't eliminate foods, but eat those that are considered "treats" as an occasion food, and never feel guilty about food! everything in moderation :)

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