Friday, August 31, 2012

LITTLE tricks that bring BIG results!

Little weight loss tricks can bring BIG results! Try some of these tips and tricks to satisfy your hunger for a healthier lifestyle.
Late night cravings......we all have them. You know when you're in front of the TV, hours after dinner and you just want to munch and crunch? So is it terrible to eat after dinner? Well, yes and no......eating right before bedtime could cause crazy dreams, restless sleep, indigestion and weight gain......not a habit you want to get into, but if just have to have something on occasion try this.....
Popcorn , oh yes, popcorn 100 calories bags will solve the munch and crunch problem, you get a nice beautiful big bowl for the 100 calories. Drink with water, and you not only hydrate your body, but you get a little boost of fiber from the popcorn and no boost to your waistline ;)

Hungry first thing in the morning? Start the day off with an 8oz glass of cold water. Most likely after a night of sleep, those hungry feelings you feel in your stomach, is really your body, dehydrated. Drink the water before you start eating for the day, and you'll be less likely to go throughout the day overeating.

Hard boiled eggs-buy a dozen on sunday, hard boil them and keep in fridge. A quick and easy protein snack to grab throughout the week.

Lowfat Ricotta (skim ricotta) add a 1/4 cup serving (80calories) on top of your favorite pasta dish for an extra protein boost (5g) and calcium, too!

Vitatops (chocolate muffin tops) these wonderful snacks (found in your frozen food aisle)are like a brownie, but with 100 calories and tons of extra vitamins and fiber So you can feel great eating them knowing your giving your body this healthy treat! Add a scoop of lowfat frozen yogurt for a great dessert after dinner for only 240 calories! (yogurt plus vitatop)

Remember the 2 tablespoon rule-that is if it's a dip (example: hummus) or a butter (think peanut butter) 2 TBS is a serving. So measure it out, and you won't over do it!

Egg white cartons-egg whites come conveniently in cartons in your dairy aisle. Easy to pour and scramble or use in liquid form in a smoothie for a burst of protein. (pasteurized so they can be used in the raw for the smoothie)

I have plenty of more tips to come, but start with these....remember small healthy changes leads to a lifetime of positive healthy results! Happy Weekend B-fitters!- FoodieGIRL

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