Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's all about the JOURNEY

You've heard that saying before, right?
"It's not all about the destination, but the steps you take along the way..... the journey, if you can sit back and enjoy it, can be so sweet!"
And ain't that the truth! But living in the moment can be difficult, especially when we cloud our lives with so much "busy". But remember the "busy" around YOU, was created by YOU. So if you can take a step back and reassess what's most important in your life, you can then give yourself permission to be free of unwanted stress and activities that are clouding your Ch'i (your life energy) We all want good Ch'i, right? ;)
So learn to say "no" to things that don't support your health journey, that's mind, body and soul! And take those steps on your journey that will provide you with strength and focus, not bog you down with unwanted stress. You are the creator of your own paradise, and that destination can be found only in the journey, your journey!
This one's for you! Take a listen and be inspired.....

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