Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Muncha crunch, munch, munch, munch!

Are you a habitual "muncha cruncher" when you're watching TV? You know, what I mean....when you just have to have something to munch on when you're catching up on your favorite shows, movies, reality television? ME TOO! But did you know that mindless eating when doing another task, like watching TV can really pack on the extra calories and pounds?! Yep...but does that mean you can never ever enjoy your favorite snacks in front of the TV, again?!?
Of course not! What's important to remember is portioning out your snacks and drinks, aka. don't grab the whole bag of chips and plop yourself down on the sofa, ya get my drift? That just spells "couch potato". But if you grab a small bowl, fill it up with a serving of your snack, you're good to go! And with so many baked and multigrain varities of your favorites crunchy snacks, you can snack sensibly!
My personal favorite "muncher"? POPCORN!!! Why you ask? Well, I like my snack to be plentiful and one 100 calorie bag of popcorn fills that bowl up to overflowing, so I get alot of snack, not alot of calories. AND it has fiber, so it keeps me fuller longer than chips. (not to say chips aren't sometimes on this FoodieGIRL's menu, too ;) but I keep it to a serving. AND popcorn can be dolled up to your tastebud's fancy.....I love to add a bit of olive oil, parmesan and cracked black pepper, or cumin, some "smart balance spray butter" and sea salt, OR how's about a little turkey bacon (1 slice chopped finely) with parsley, parmesan and olive oil. OH YES, possibilities are endless. SO grab your 100 calorie bag of popcorn and add a little fun, without a ton of fat and calories. And then sit back relax and enjoy your show. :)

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