Tuesday, August 28, 2012

10 day sugar challenge

10 day sugar challenge! Who's with me? Now if you've been reading along(my blog that is), you know that I am all about everything in moderation! Truly truly, I believe (and have seen the results, twice now when I had to lose baby weight!!) that if you eat healthfully most of the time, then a treat (in moderation) is not going to break that bank, or your gut! So I don't want to even hear that you are entertaining the latest fad diet where you have to starve yourself for X amount of days, or give up certain food groups. I'm telling you, these "fads" may work for the short term, that is if you can even stick to them (give up bread, I dare you, are you really never going to eat bread again for your entire life?!?.....that is nuts don't you think??!!)
In the long term, you are going to end up gaining the weight back, that you starved yourself for. Silly and a little radical, don't you think? So moderation is KEY to losing and maintaining weight loss!

But sugar can and will always still be a worrisome creature.....so addictive and so easily overeaten. Now we all know the obvious, usual suspects.....cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. But what about that energy bar, that cereal, those crackers, and that bran muffin. You see when you eat these so called "healthy snacks" along with the obvious sugar treats, you can easily overdo your sugar intake for a day.
So here's where my 10 day challenge comes in.....you see I have 7 lbs to go since giving birth and I know what my problem is...SUGAR! I think since having my newborn a month ago, I have been somewhat in the habit of reaching for sugar treats due to sleepless nights, (bad sleep equals poor food choices) and as I said, along with other sugars in my diet, well, this addictive creature has a hold on me. Oh yes, the food coach isn't perfect, there I said it! But none of us are, nor do we need to be! So how do I choose to change this habit I have fallen into? By being aware! Being aware of the food we put into our mouths and how it effects our body is the step in the direction of change, sleepless nights or not, no excuses for me, so no more excuses for you!
TOO MUCH SUGAR IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU and here's why from our our friends at Body Ecology.....



1.Feeds candida

2.Promotes wrinkling and aging skin2

3.Makes your blood acidic3

4.Can lead to osteoporosis.4

5.Rots your teeth5

6.Raises your blood sugar level6

7.Contributes to obesity7

8.Is addictive (almost as much as drugs) 8

9.Can create the urge to binge9

10.Provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value10

11.Contributes to diabetes11

12.Robs your body of minerals.12

13.Robs you of energy13

14.Contributes to heart problems14

15.Can cause cancer15

16.Contributes to ulcers16

17.Can cause gallstones17

18.Contributes to adrenal fatigue

19.Can suppress your immune system18

20.Raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin19

21.Weakens eyesight

22.Sugar can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).

23.Can cause aging20

24.Can contribute to eczema21

25.Can cause arthritis22

So the 10 day sugar challenge is this: Take each day to read the labels on your "hidden sugar" foods like cereals, energy/granola bars, processed foods, jellys/jams, coffee treats, drinks and snacks. Substitute these foods with whole foods(no processed/convenience foods)....multigrain cereals with 5g or less of sugar, fruit (nature's dessert!) and look to substitute your regular go-to food items with ones that are sweetened naturally with molasses, maple syrup, agave nectar, or honey to get you off of the sugar roller coaster (white sugar only revs up your energy negatively, to make you crash later, no good!) When you can get off the sugar train, your weight loss will improve rapidly, as will your health, mind, body and soul. You're worth it, you can do it, and remember, it's baby steps in the right direction, that overtime will be become healthy habits!


  1. Love it! Couldn't have said it better myself. And interesting how it's not Cheez-Its that are your problem this time, huh? ;)
