Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Meditate, Relax, Rejuvenate

Do you take the time to meditate? Listen, it's not just for Buddha :) It's an important practice in exercising your mind! Half the battle of weight loss is your mind. We can all be our worst crtic sometimes, and your own negative thoughts can sabotage your healthy journey. Now that's just not fair, don't you think? Isn't it true what they say, "ya gotta love yourself before you love anything or anyone else?" So true, the goodness (or negativity) in our own lives is a direct reflection of how we view ourselves and the world around us.
You want good things in your life, you need to actively fill your thoughts, actions and words with positivity. Taking the time to meditate can you get you there.
As with all things in life, you MUST MAKE THE TIME. As with soooo many things I tell people, if you have time to TiVo and watch that favorite reality show (don't we all have our guilty pleasure, me included!) then you have time to take 5 minutes to set your mind straight on positivity.

Start with a quiet space in your home, office, or your favorite park bench, wherever and BE STILL, BE QUIET, LISTEN to your own THOUGHTS. Wish for goodness in your life and for the people around you, count your blessings, and list the wonderful things about YOU! When you take the time to B-FITU, remember...it's not only the treadmill that needs your attention; your mind needs to be embraced with positivity that can only come from how you view yourself.
You're worth it, you're wonderful, you're unique unto you! Never forget that!
(Now get out there and conquer the world! Or at least get yourself a healthy breakfast to take a step in the right direction! )

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