Monday, October 15, 2012

The Holidays are HERE!

The Holidays are fast approaching...Halloween flows into Thanksgiving and then rolling into Christmas, the fa la la la LA and all that goodness! But this doesn't mean that you need to roll out of each and every party you attend now, does it? Of course not! If you look at it this way.....each "holiday" is one actual day. So that doesn't mean a month of not so good for you eating. It means, enjoy yourself on that one delcious day!
Have a ton of parties to attend surrounding the holidays? Pick and choose which one you will indulge and which one you will mind your P's and Q's. Don't be overwhelmed, be MINDFUL! Think before you go and you'll be sure to stay fit through the New Year because the last thing you want to be is another person making a resolution to lose weight; you're not a cliche'! You're better than that! Your BeingFIT4U!

PLAN your indulge day
KNOW before you go to that party what your healthy goals are
LIMIT the # of alcoholic beverage (2 is enough!)
MAKE fitness a priority, even if you only have 20 minutes in the morning, stretch, breathe, meditate
LOG those calories into your online journal or on a notepad. When you know what you're eating your less likely to overindulge

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