Monday, January 7, 2013

3 BIG tips (and one for good luck) for BIG results!

It's monday, (just in case your morning coffee is still brewing and you were wondering) and that means you've either had a great weekend of eating great healthy food, OR you're like so many, starting that new years resolution.....again. No biggie, it's only January 7th and nobody's perfect!! So quit trying to be! Eating healthy is a lifestyle, NOT an every other day thing. Being healthy is about CONSISTENCY, that have to choose healthy eating and exercise all the time, not just to fit into that dress/suit for the special occasion. It's about being mindful of what you eat, not eating perfectly. When choosing meals, think healthy and portions/serving sizes, and you'll be on your way, EVERYDAY to being a healthy YOU!
Ok so now that I've woken us all up with alot of exclamation points!!!! ;)
Here are some of my BIG TIPS to help you lose that unwanted winter fluff (cute name but not so cute on your middle, ya know?)

1. 20 minute RULE! (it takes 20 minutes for your tummy and your head to become in sync and know that you are FULL, so don't go for a second helping until you have sufficiently given your body time to digest its food. Set the microwave timer if you have to. Don't eat until you're uncomfortably full, that feeling is "overeating")

2. Drink a glass of water (hungry? you could just be thirsty, drink a glass a water before a meal to keep you from overeating, and before you go for a snack. It might just be "thirsty" you're craving)

3. Calories (it's not all about counting those calories, it's about knowing how many calories are in a serving. Look at the back of the packages you're eating to know what a serving is. Potato chips 15 chips/160 calories. Know before you go....and it will prevent you from overeating and instead be a "mindful eater". Amazing how you can still eat the things you LOVE when you portion control your food to a serving!

4. Protein (protein should be throughout your day in your meal choices to keep you full and satisfied. If you're hungry ALL the time, you could be overeating those carbs and forgetting the protein. Make your meals a good carb/protein balance and see the results of good nutrition. AND that doesn't have to be animal protein (how many  chicken breasts can one chic eat right?) Lowfat dairy, egg, snuts, (soy) seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) fortified cereals are all options, too!

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