Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cold Turkey!

So you've decided to get healthy this New Year, but don't know where to start? Well don't go "cold turkey" on everything....you'll just end up like the rest of the fools on February 1, who stopped using that new gym membership after a week. OOOH harsh right? But alas, true....so start small by asking yourself these questions on our "Out of Control Checklist".
Writing down your goals will keep you focused and honest with yourself as you dive into your bad habits and ninja kick them to the curb!Hang this list up in your office, on your fridge or post it to your forehead, hey whatever works to keep you pushing forward to BeingFIT4U!
And remember as you continue on your journey to health and wellness this year.....
“Once you begin working on your problem areas with small, daily, success-oriented goals, the problems will disappear”

~Dr Wayne M. Dyer


(Questions to ask yourself when you need to get back on that “Food” wagon:)


Am I eating enough protein?


Am I skipping meals and not “interval eating” every 2-3 hours?


Are my portions or serving sizes too large?


Is my sugar/salt or caffeine intake too high?

(these things will change your mood  and energy levels)


Am I exercising enough?

(3-4 days a week/30 minutes of cardio or cardio/strength training)


FOOD LOG, identify where you are overeating, not eating enough, and/or skipping meals.



Great reference tools for staying on track:


www.myoptimumhealth.com overall great site for health and wellness

www.eatingwell.com healthy, fast and delicious recipes

www.savingdinners.com –free weekly mailers for meal planning

www.calorieking.com  food logging

www.BMI-calculator.com calculate your BMI for weight loss


*Remember, you are not the # on the scale, you are a work in progress, striving for your health and wellness, to put your own best body forward and feel good from the inside and out.*

1 comment:

  1. Nice article, thanks. Here is another calculator I like : BMI
