Friday, January 24, 2014

Cheat Meal

SO perhaps you've heard the term "cheat meal".....
OR know that we mention this ALOT on the blog.
What's it mean exactly?
Well, "cheat meal" is the term to describe you indulging in your favorite meal, soup to nuts as they say, including dessert and maybe your favorite glass of wine.
Why a "cheat meal" when your being OH so healthy? Well, healthy is GREAT, eating well is GREAT, BUT getting extreme on eating healthy is a RECIPE FOR DISASTER!! Have you ever tried to stop eating carbs to only find yourself at the local bakery scarfing down a donut while ordering an entire loaf of be consumed soon after??? That's why MODERATION IS KEY! We need a variety of to foods to keep our body working effectively and healthfully, as well, we need to eat those things in proper portions so we don't give our body tooooo much of what it doesn't need!
 (aka.overeat and it's just gonna store as FAT because  your body doesn't need it)
So besides always trying your best to stay on the healthy side of town, and eating in moderation, paying mind to your serving sizes/portion control, you really need to treat yourself every once in awhile. REALLY, this will help you stay on track in the long run!
You don't want to deprive yourself and binge later.
Now some nutrition gurus may suggest a once a week "cheat day". Personally I feel this is tooooo extreme and a recipe for falling off the food wagon. You do not, and neither does your body, need to be overdosed with bad nutrition for an entire day!! BUT one cheat meal, including dessert and/or your beverage of choice will do just fine. Perhaps the weekend is your "day" or midweek. AND
sure you can recreate your favorite recipes in a healthier way, but sometimes, it's just nice to eat that burger and fries in all it's sloppy glory and finish it with an ice cream cone. Yep, I do it and you can too, AND you can still stay on the healthy track in your B-FIT4U lifestyle. SOOOOOO enjoy your life, enjoy your healthy choices, and enjoy that "cheat meal" once a week to
KEEP YOU ON TRACK! Happy weekend B-fitters!~FoodieGIRL

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