Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Trust me, you're gonna love it!

Have we steered you wrong yet?
So trust us when we say, you're going to LOVE THIS!
Ok, here it goes, now don't roll your eyes or shrug this one off as crazy talk BECAUSE today we're talking about TOFU!! I know, I know, just the word has a terrible connotation of tasteless, spongy, mass of what? Not to mention, it's the butt of soooo many jokes. BUT ironically,  that's the thing, you want a smaller butt, and yet you won't even pick up the "thing" that everyone is making the
"butt" of a joke that could indeed make your butt smaller! Ok, I know funny stretch there, but seriously folks, TOFU is going to be your NEW HEALTHY GO TO! YES YES YES!

I mean if we can be sooooo enthusiastic about it, so can you!! Perhaps you've never tried TOFU, or you've had it, but simply in the wrong way, where indeed it did not taste good. BUT here we are to debunk what you thought about TOFU in the past and get you going on this alternative protein.

Now like all things we recommend eating this in moderation, and we are not saying leave out your other protein sources! But as we always say VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE, so why not try something different like TOFU every once in awhile, instead of chicken in your favorite dish.
And remeber TOFU is a processed product of soybeans, and if you're reading up on what their saying good and bad about SOY these days here's a handful of advice from "STRAIGHT TALK ABOUT SOY" to help you in your decision.

Eat soy in moderation. Soybeans, tofu, and other soy-based foods are an excellent alternative to red meat. In some cultures, tofu and soy foods are a protein staple, and we don’t suggest any change. But if you haven't grown up eating lots of soy, there's no reason to go overboard: Two to 4 servings of soy in different products a week is a good target; eating more than that likely won't offer any health benefits and we can’t be sure that there is no harm.
So unless you have a bad reaction to soy, go ahead and enjoy tofu once or twice a week. Fry tofu, if you want; that's what many Asian cooks do. Have it as a savory or sweet, with meat or without, as part of a varied diet with lots of vegetables, legumes, grains, and fruit.
Finally, if you're eating tofu because it's suppose to be healthy but you don't really like its taste, maybe you should try new ways to prepare it. If that doesn't work, tofu may not be for you.
Healthy eating should not be about deprivation. If tofu is part of your diet, it should be a delicious food to you, not a denial food. Life is too short.

Ok so some great advice, basically MODERATION since SOY seems to creep up in so many ways from our drinks, protein shakes and bars and foods and like anything can turn into something not so good for you if eaten out of control.

NOW back to how we prepared TOFU last night and HOW DELICIOUS IT WAS!!

1 package of  extra firm TOFU chopped into bite size cubes
Toss liberally in 1 TBS olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and 2 TBS of lowfat mayo. (about 1/2 tsp of each seasoning)
Place on a baking sheet that has been sprayed to prevent sticking and roast that TOFU for 30 minutes on 450, making sure to flip TOFU pieces over aftr 15 minutes to evenly brown both sides.

Serve on salad, in stir fry, with a dipping sauce, or over rice. We tossed in an Asian sweet chili sauce with veggies and it was SOOOOO GOOOD! ENJOY!~FoodieGIRL

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