Friday, January 10, 2014

Weekend Warrior

The BIGGEST challenge for you this week is the weekend!
 Because most overeating happens over the weekend....we're a little more relaxed, we have time to go out on that date with friends we've been waiting for all week, or we're at the movie theatre with a supersize soda and popcorn. See? Easy to overeat, BUT not an excuse. If you can master your healthy lifestyle even over the weekends, you are on your way to that fabulous beach body you've always wanted, that much closer to those skinny jeans you've been wanting to buy, and even more important a HEALTHIER YOU who has FINALLY STOPPED YO YO DIETING!
Don't let your weekly hardwork be sabotaged over the weekend with overeating!
You've worked toooooo hard this week to mindfully eat, practicing portion control, and getting your veggies in, even taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
The weekend is only 3 days
 (we like to count friday, 'cause happy hour starts at 5pm ;)
Don't let 3 days be your biggest enemy, let it be your best friend that cheers on your healthy B-Fit4U lifestyle!
Don't forget your workout
Allow yourself that one "cheat" meal, but just one! 
(this will help you stay on track if you have some dessert to look forward to)
Portion control all your other meals, watch those servings!
Don't skip breakfast
(sometimes we are thirsty when we think we're hungry, stay hydrated)
Bring a 100 calorie bag of popcorn to that movie date, and a lollipop
( you just saved yourself thousands of calories and salt/sugar!)
Keep those alcohol beverages under control, 2 at the most in a sitting

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