B-Fit4U...... it's about loving who you are, love handles and all! Putting your best body forward, that is... loving each curve and savoring the sweet things in life, including chocolate! And you can do this as soon as you stop looking for the perfect body and accept your own. B-Fit4U a concept that when you think positively, you can change your body; when you feed your mind, you feed your soul; a healthy love affair with food that starts with the choice to be B-Fit4U.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Happy New Year to a New You!
Happy New Year B-fitters!! It is almost that time for the ball to drop, the champagne to toast, and a New Year to bring out the Best,YOU!! Don't let another year pass you by without taking care of YOU! Health and Wellness from the inside out should be your priority in 2015....you are worth it! Take care of you, and the world will bless you with abundance and love❤. Self Love is the KEY to your B-FIT4U lifestyle, from eating well, moving and grooving, reaching out to friends and family for support, and even massages to get the stress out. This year is ALL about LOVING ourselves, taking care of ourselves, and living a health filled life of good nutrition. Happy New Year, Merry Christmas and Cheers to YOU and good for you foods in 2015!! And check back daily with us for support, recipes, tricks and tips to lose those stubborn pounds and/or to maintain on your B-FIT4U lifestyle!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Cookies cookies cookies more cookies!!
Oh dear....seems a lot of you are messaging about the fallout of the Christmas cookie blow out....that is cookies are everywhere, you're making them, you're giving them as gifts, you're getting them as gifts AND you feel compelled to eat more than you should! I know been there, done that, we all have! But it's not too late to get back into your B-FIT4U groove AND sail into the Holidays and New Years better than ever! First freeze all those cookie presents you're receiving and then bring out only for guests during the actual holiday! Only bake what you're giving away, you do not need extra laying around calling your name! Extra dough can be wrapped and frozen to bake later for Christmas guests. It's only December 16th, no need to eat everything in sight, save those calories for the actual Holiday and a party or two. In between the revelry and merriment, count those calories, get that exercise in, avoid sugar, alcohol and fatty snacks, you got this, you're B-FIT4U!!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Holiday party survival tips.... lose don't cruise that buffet!
Holiday parties are in full effect and so should your willpower! Don't throw your healthy lifestyle out the door over a buffet of cookies and savory snacks....AND liquor! You've worked too hard all year to do that! So here are some tips to stand out from the rest of the gym rats come January, ya dig?
One plate, one little taste of everything at appetizer table...
don't park yourself next to the dip
Limit alcohol to 2 drinks, slows metabolism, lowers inhibitions to overeat
One dessert
Get your workouts in before the party and/or after
In between parties, keep calorie counts this entire month, remember portion control
One party does not mean an entire week of eating unhealthy
Now get out there this weekend and Jingle your bells healthfully 😉
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Dairy free egg nog!!
Gotta have it, wanna have it, but don't want those extra calories ( and there are a ton...) fat or cholesterol ...EGG NOG! It's highly addictive this time of year but that doesn't mean it has to compromise your B-FIT4U lifestyle! There are delicious dairy free egg nogs stocking the shelves at the grocery store, both soy milk, almond milk and coconut versions AND they are all SOOOOOOOO GOOOOD! And they save you a ton on calories, fat and cholesterol! Yes, there's a bit of sugar, but not as crazy as that Starbucks latte your caring around, ya dig? So as a sometimes treat, it's great!!! And for a bit of indulgence, you can make an egg nog shake with dairy free ice cream and your dairy free nog, it's divine!! So cheers to a New Year and Being Fit4U!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Love this....snack!!
Always on the run, we all need a quick snack bar that will satisfy the hungries AND be good for us too !! Our current favorite is the THINK THIN dark chocolate peppermint nutrition bar. It's the perfect taste for the Season, with fun holiday notes for your tastbuds.....it feels like you're being naughty....don't tell Santa ;) And it's full of fiber and protein to keep you full and satisfied in between meals AND for 150 calories, it's perfect for your B-FIT4U lifestyle! So what are you waiting for?! Stock up, and pass on that 350 calorie scone, cholesterol muffin, or sugary cookie in the afternoon, feed your body energy that tastes yummmmmmy!
Monday, December 1, 2014
Now is the time....ACT FAST!
Well helloooooo Turkey trotters! Are you still eating leftovers? Put that pie fork down, it's time to STOP and ACT FAST! It's December 1st.....you know what that means, the Christmas Season of parties has begun! And so you need to have a plan of attack or before you know it, January and you will roll into 2015..... 10 pounds heavier! Ugh!!! Nobody wants that!! You're being FIT4U, you've worked out, you've eaten right, don't sabotage yourself this December! A party is one night, maybe 3hrs......don't roll those 3hrs into 4 weeks of terrible eating!! How you eat this December is a prelude to 2015, start out strong, not behind the eight ball like all the other gym rats looking for a treadmill come January. Yes, don't be a cliche!! Your resolution should be to stay fit, not get fit!!! So how will YOU do this?? Pick and choose when to indulge and when not too! No all or nothing eating/thinking! That is don't overeat for a week just because you had a piece of pie, we all can have dessert and stay fit too. So moderation at the parties, 2 drink maximum, alcohol loves to secretly pack on the pounds AND bring down your self control, naughtily telling you to overeat! Appetizers at a party? Make one small tasting plate, no need to sit yourself by the dip, ya dig? And choose one party to have that little extra indulgence, hey it is the Holiday Season. BUT there will be plenty of opportunity through Christmas, New Years and this entire month to have a treat here and there, you won't starve, SO pick and choose when to indulge and when not to, moderation, serving size is KEY, and do find time to move!! Even a walk through the snow with a friend is a great way to stay on top of being FIT4U! You got this!!! (And one more extra......count your calories in between weekend parties, this will save your waistline, and Keep you on track! 3 meals, 2 snacks or 5 small meals a day, all spaced 2-3 hrs part will keep that metabolism going! Avoid as much sugar as possible, too, one sweet treat a week will also have you high fiveing your scale come January! :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
More Turkey day dishes!
A great way to fill that Turkey day plate with great comforting sides, without all the fat, are roasted vegtables!!! When you roast them they become carmelized gems of goodness!! Believe me, you won't be able to stop munching them!! And hey if you want to add a little crumble of bacon or crisped proscuitto to them after their roasted, that's ok! A little sweet and salty with your veggies is a great way to satisfy those tastbuds, feel like your being naughty BUT really you're eating a lowfat digs full of vitamins and fiber. But you don't have to tell your guests that, just let them enjoy all that goodness! So cut the veggies you like into chunks ( we like parsnips, carrots, turnips, butternut squash, and brussels BUT you can do whatever combo you like! Broccoli and cauliflower work great, too!) Toss your veggies in a few TBS of olive oil, sprinkle of sea salt and pepper, and a little pinch of garlic powder and place on greased cookie sheet. Roast for 20 minutes on 450 or until golden, slightly charred but not burnt, and tender. Place in a bowl and serve! ( and add that lil bit of bacon...turkey bacon cuts the fat, crumbled makes you use less and still get that salty sweet combo you crave!) ENJOY!-FoodieGIRL
Monday, November 17, 2014
Over stuffed
Do you LOVE stuffing! Me too! Me too!!!!!!! But OMG it's a lot of carbs and butter and frankly sometimes as I sit at Thanksgiving dinner, I wonder if I should just layer my thighs with it....that's where it wants to sit anyway, ya dig? But does this mean stuffing has to make us feel stuffed??? Nooooo! A great way to keep your servings under control when it comes to stuffing consumption on turkey day is to make your recipe AND place a serving each in a muffin pan for baking, perfect portion control size! If you're at a friends or families house, and are not in charge of cooking, think 1/2 cup serving as you dole out your spoonful. You can also, if making the stuffing, moisten with more chicken broth than butter to cut the fat AND add all kinds of good for you ingredients like roasted butternut squash, brussel sprouts, dried fruits and nuts. A little taste of everything on Thanksgiving is ok, still practice portion control, I mean there will be leftovers, no need to eat everything at once. No one wants to feel stuffed, leave that for the turkey!!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Skinny Mash
Listen up turkey day lovers.... Thanksgiving is close by!!! And that means you need to stay on your fitness and healthy eating routine more than ever before you indulge in the feast of all feasts....TURKEY day! Sooooo with that said, how's about we make some of our sides at our turkey day feast a bit more figure friendly this year.....you know how we feel about saving calories where you can....a slice of pie later if you eat your veggies!! Soooooo leading up to Thanksgiving, everyday we are going to give you a tip, a trick or a recipe to remake your turkey day to keep you on the right track and to B-FIT4U!!!
Today's helpful hint SKINNY mashed potatoes!
A great way to save calories when whipping those taters is to put down the heavy cream, whole milk and butter and do these simple substitutions, which we swear to you will make your mashed taters just as creamy and dreamy! Almond milk and smart balance, great substitution! Olive oil and roasted garlic and parmesan cheese...so YUM!! Even a little warm chicken broth and smart balance are a great way to get your Skinny mash on!!! No more elastic band pants, sitting like a couch potato over full feeling during the Holidays, you know better!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Breakfast needs to be fast, delicious and nutritious, right ? You're on the go ( but taking time to breathe, right?;) AND you need breakfast to rev up that metabolism and give your body that much needed energy to tackle the day! It's Monday, we all need a kick in the booooty to get us going! And a great way to get all that energy nutrition is our B-FIT4U chocolate banana peanut butter oatmeal smoothie. Thick, delicious, a great way to get fiber, protein and great nutrition in a quick sip! Here it goes: 1/2 cup oats, 1 frozen banana ( or add ice if it's not frozen) 2 tbs peanut butter,1 heaping tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 cup almond milk, sprinkle of cinnamon and BLEND! Yum yum yum and if you want a little boooost of more protein, you can add a scoop of your favorite protein powder. Now get out there and tackle the world and ALWAYS B-FIT4U :)
Friday, November 7, 2014
Design your plate
When serving yourself a plate of food, keep this in mind, ALWAYS....1/2 of the plate fruits and veggies, 1/4 for lean protein, 1/4 for starch (carb). One serving of each. When you CONSISTENTLY eat with PORTION CONTROL you truly can eat what you would like. Save your splurge meal for the weekend when schedules can fly out the door AND don't make a day of eating poorly...no, this will be too difficult to pull up from....one splurge meal. AND don't call it a cheat meal, PLEASE, food should not be met with guilty feelings. You work hard at your healthy, body mind and soul, SO you can have a little treat once a week. So in review, meet this weekend I control and strong! Portion control, no matter how many times you eat out this weekend, choose healthy and wisely opting for more veggies and fruit throughout your day. Munch on good for you snacks in between meals to rev up your metabolism, and get out there and enjoy all the beauty Fall has to offer with a hike! Move move and get in the healthy groove!! You got this B-fitters!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Don't let Halloween be a slippery slope into Holiday overeating Aka. Put the kids bag of Halloween candy down! It's time to get back on track and not a moment too soon! Thanksgiving is around the corner...then all those December Holiday parties....AND Christmas! Soooo fun, and sooooo tempting to overeat, forget what's right for your body and slide into January wondering where your six pack went.....oh that's right you drank it ;), ya dig? You can break this this overwhelming cycle with two trains of thought.....portion control and lose the " all or nothing" mentality. In other words, stop thinking....well I already ate terribly today, I'm going to continue this crazy all day....cause All day will turn into all week....yikes! So you ate 2 cookies instead of one, or you dived head first into a bowl of pudding, ate a bag of chips, and drank soda.....we all fall off the wagon, BUT no excuses, get back on! Start with a good breakfast, interval eating every 2-3hrs to rev up your metabolism, count your calories and exercise. Eat what you want but portion control, servings of one, and fill that plate with more fruits and veggies! 3 meals, 2 snacks, get started! Ready Set Go AND don't use the Holiday season as an excuse to overeat and forget all you know about healthy! You got this!!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween B-Fitters!
It's Halloween!!!! Happy happy to you!!! So you're eating healthy, staying fit AND there's a 10lb bag of candy at your door staring at you......it's ok!! You can do this! First, that's for the trick or treaters, ok? And hey give yourself a pass today...it's Halloween for Pete's sake? Never been sure who this Pete guy is BUT he seems to be right a lot. So anyway, have a little indulgence today....cause Pete said...and cause we said, It's Halloween!! So a little treat today, tonight this afternoon, yes have your indulgence this week....TODAY! And even a little piece of chocolate tomorrow......BUT come Sunday, Monday if you are in the throws of a candy coma...Donate that stuff! Get it out of your house, and get back to your fitness and exercise routine! Thanksgiving is around the corner, no better time than the present to get fit and leave room for an extra helping of stuffing! Sooooooo don't overdo it on the sweets, and remember holidays are one day....NOT a week to be naughty ;) ok little elves?
Monday, October 27, 2014
Snack size
It's Halloween week!! Are you feeling the temptation?? Oh man, we are! Seems like all our favorites, candy and chocolates are suddenly in these super sized bags that are calling our names!! BUT this does not mean there isn't a healthy silver lining out there....you see these bags are big, yes, but all your favorites are now in special edition snack sizes!!! Brilliant!! You can really watch your servings when treats are already snack size for you! So enjoy a treat or two this week, remember, one sweet a day, don't buy those Halloween bags of candy until Halloween night...toooo tempting and besides, that's for the trick or treaters...not your thighs, ya dig? Go for chocolate before straight up sugar candies, and if you have a ton of leftover candy bake it into cookies to donate to your nearest homeless shelter or church pantry. Do good, feel good, and keep the weight off ! Happy Halloween B-fitters!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Edamame DIP
Yum yum yum LOVE Edamamame.....those cute little soybeans often had along your sushi....but did you know you can get them shelled and in your frozen food aisle? Soooooo easy! We love to toss them in salad, soup or stir fry...BUT how's about as a dip to enjoy with fresh cut veggies or multigrain pita chips and rice crackers? Yes! Nutritious indulgence we call it, cause you get all the yum without gaining a pound in your "tum", ya dig ?
Oh and before we divulge the recipe.....check out.....Blue diamonds brand of gluten and wheat free rice crackers....we love the brown rice flax seed version.....so crunchy and good!!!! And a serving is BIG so pair with this edamame dip or as a nutritious delicious snack anytime!
Without further ado.....we introduce to you EDAMAME DIP!
In food processor blend Edamamame, 3 cups thawed, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tbs rice vinegar, 2 tsp minced ginger, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp seas salt, and 1/2 cup water until smooth. Serve with veggies or crackers or use as a spread on sandwiches.
Protein indulgence with a nutritious burst! Enjoy!!
Friday, October 17, 2014
An apple a day!
An Apple a day really does keep the DR. away! Full of fiber, vitamins AND disease preventing benefits!! If you can do one thing to get healthy, drop 1 to 2 apples a day into your on the go bag, and get to eating! Indeed apples can help protect you from cancer, stroke, heart disease, and cholesterol! Seriously do you need any other reasons? There's no doubt that research has shown apples are your FRIEND! So slice em, dice em, eat em whole and get HEALTHY!
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Feeling blue?
No doubt the change in weather can bring the winter blues. And nobody has time for that! Your best response to derail the blues is to exercise and eat right! Eating heavy, fatty foods are going to expand your waistline and dull your memory, but good nutrition will spur that brain with good thoughts! Food is fuel so fill that brain with bright veggies and fruit, lowfat dairy and lean meats, and multigrains! You don't want to skip the carbs, that's part of the positive brain puzzle, but you do want to be mindful of carbs, eating a variety of foods throughout the day and keeping carbs to multigrain choices. AND move!!! Exercise WILL release those happy endorphins and help you beat the winter blues. So don't use cold weather as an excuse to gain weight, eat badly, and hold that sofa down. Get out there and MOVE!!! Your happy self will thank you come Christmas :)
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Snack ALERT!
Soooo do you LOVE potato chips....like moi? Sure you can eat them, in moderation...a serving OR you can do the same with the baked version....BUT how about something just as satisfying with all the crunchy salty you crave, and less fat, calories and fiber to keep you full!? Yes, we got you covered....baked sugar snap peas! You can buy them at your grocery store...and even at Walmart! And they have all that goodness I just wrote above...you're reading this right? So go get them! Seriously they are sooooooo GOOOD, you'll never feel like you traded your potato chips for healthy blah, but deliciousness!!! Even my kids like them....that really is a meter to measure against cause kids will tell you if something is indeed blah, ya dig? So get your healthy snack attack on!! P.S. We like the brand Harvest Snaps!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Getting back on track FAST
If you need a way to get back on track, FAST, checkout out our checklist, AND get back on the food wagon of success!
Start today by counting your calories and keep it to 1500 or less, for a smaller build, but no less than 1200, your body needs energy and fuel!!
Salad and soup for lunch, keep it light.
3 meals, 2 snacks all week.
No carbs at dinner, fill up with veggies and fruit and light protein for great nutrition.
Eat breakfast!
Scatter meals to every 3 hours, to rev that metabolism.
Get at least 30min exercise each day.
No eating after dinner or 2hrs before bedtime.
Drink lots of sugarless fluids, water, water, water...sometimes we are thirsty not hungry.
Reward yourself with chill time, not food.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
You've got to COMMIT!
"Commit to thinking about what you want, rather than how impossible or difficult a goal may seem"
Do you listen to your inner voice, or do you silence it with self doubt? Do you have goals and dreams that you turn away from because you think them through to a negative ending? Stop living in the impossible and see all the possibility around you! You can achieve ALL you put your positive energy into, and more! That includes a healthier you! So make a list of the possible today, and see that your goals CAN be achieved if YOU truly want them. You've got this!!
Monday, September 29, 2014
From flab to fab!
Yes you read the title of this post correctly....from flab to fab! Listen, we gotcha your back here....the truth is you've lost the weight, according to the numbers on the scale...but your clothes aren't holding you the way you want to feel.....fabulous!! Have you tried weight training? Indeed, light weights might be the answer to that problem. You see muscle is going to burn fat faster as you continue on your health journey, so it's important to keep it intact! Not sure where to start? Higher a trainer for a day....yes a day, that fits in the budget, and pick their brain of weight related exercises that can help you stay lean, get lean, and be lean! Or one of our favorite series of DVDs, THE FIRM, tons of exercises to get you firm and tight! And you don't need weights to do weight bearing exercises, there are tons of exercises using the weight of your own body!! Yes, so no excuses, get firm and feel even better about this beautiful journey you're on...B-FIT4U! :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Chill in the air!
Do you feel the chill in the air? Autumn has arrived and wants you to eat belly warming foods! But....can you? Of course! You can AND B-FIT4U! It all comes down to portion control and shuffling your food choices. Sooooo if you plan to have a hearty meal today....shuffle your other choices by having a light protein filled breakfast, soup or salad for lunch, snacks full of fiber and/or protein( think apples and peanut butter, popcorn, veggies and cottage cheese, Greek yogurt). And your hearty meal must be a serving! And pair it with a nutrient rich, fiber filled salad to add bulk to the meal, not to your waistline! No more bulky sweaters! Stop hiding that fabulous figure! It's winter weather makeovers, B-FIT4U style!
Monday, September 22, 2014
The only way.....
"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible"
Are you doing everything you can to lose those unwanted pounds? Are you making excuses and not getting out there often enough and moving! Is your excuse....well I've just hit a plateau? There is NO plateau, there is only YOU and your MIND! If things have slowed down as you reach for your healthiest self, then it comes down to these three things in this order....FOOD, FITNESS, YOU! You can exercise until the world spins off its axis, but if you fuel your body with unhealthy foods,you will not lose weight and you'll be sooooooo frustrated! Because all your hardwork in the gym, outside hiking, running, biking etc....will be wasted! So it comes down to you and food! Make it a priority to fuel your body with good for you foods, count those calories as you lose those pounds, stay focused, portion control, variety of foods, fruits, veggies, 5 meals a day, keeping that metabolism revved up eating every 3 hrs. You know what you have to do, no excuses! You've got this!! B-FIT4U!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Weekend warrior!
So what is your plan of attack for this weekend? You know what we mean....you have 3 days..Fri, Sat, Sun to either slide off that food wagon, or challenge yourself to KEEP at it! Sure maybe the weekend is your time to have a treat or two.....but no excuses to completely fall off the wagon!! Make a food and workout plan! Find two new ways to get outside and run, jump, play, hike in the woods, walk with a friend, but get out there and MOVE!
AND decide which day you want to have your Happy meal, I don't like when people call this a cheat meal....so ridiculous, food should NOT be associated with guilt!!! So back to it...ONE happy meal that gives you pleasure, and perhaps dessert as well :) Remember your servings and portion control this weekend and you truly can enjoy yourself! Life is a gentle balance, stay focused, stay passionate, remember why you started this journey...B-FIT4U!
Happy weekend!!-FoodieGIRL
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Crockin' it!
We got you on the easy frontier today with another simple crockpot creation....BBQ pineapple pulled pork Sammie's! Take your boneless pork loin set in crockpot on low for 5-6 hrs, covered in 1/2 a jar of your favorite BBQ sauce, and one can of pineapple (drained). Shred pork when done and enjoy on a whole wheat hamburger bun with a side salad. Yum! Told ya it was easy! Protein, veggies, fruit, whole grains...DINNER, HEALTHY, B-FIT4U!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Frozen veggies
YOU, yes YOU are under using frozen veggies...a great, inexpensive and healthy way to get your veggies in! And did you know that frozen veggies are frozen at their freshness peak?! Yes! So they are just as healthy as your fresh veggies at the store....AND they are conveniently already cleaned and trimmed for you!!! So guess what!? No excuses to not eat your vegetables! So things we love to do with our frozen veggies.....throw them in stir fry, canned soups to bring up the healthy factor, add them to Ramen noodles, quick side dish ( you can microwave them!). Oh and how about add to your favorite crockpot dish. I love a mixed frozen veggie in a stew or chicken pot pie! And you throw those frozen veggies into all of the above....frozen!!! Seeee soooooo convenient!!! The hot soup, stew, stir fry pot, etc will cook those veggies till warm and tender in a jiffy! And last time I checked.....you never gained weight from eating vegetables, ya dig? So maintain, lose and keep those unwanted winter pounds off!
Friday, September 12, 2014
What can I say...I like things to be EASY when it comes to dinner during the week, AND if my crockpot can be my best friend? Well, then even better!! So this week let me just tell you, B-fitters, I've been all about how little I can be in the kitchen, cause life is busy, ya know?! But ya gotta eat, and healthfully, too! So over the next few weeks I'm gonna give you some great recipes to fill you up with good, easy nutrition AND save you time and $$$! We all like saving deniro right? So first easy peeeeasy recipe is My Quick Stew: get out your crockpot, set on high for 4-5hrs, place a slim cut of beef in there, a can of beef gravy and 1/2 a bag of frozen mixed veggies. When the time is up, shred the beef ( you can use chicken if you prefer, too!) Serve over Uncle Ben's 90 second microwave rice, yes 90 seconds! And you've got dinner! Go for rice varieties like brown and wild, or quinoa and brown, soooo good, sooo good for you! And remember, red meat on occasion is ok, as with anything one serving, please! Mindful eating is happy eating! Happy weekend B-fitters! Get moving and eating in the right direction!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Fall into Fall!
So many of you have contacted me over the last several weeks concerned that as your bathing suits are put away...so will your willpower...be shoved in a drawer somewhere! This does NOT have to be the case! Nosireeee! Colder weather does not have to mean "winter weight". Sure we may crave warm weather foods like, stews, casseroles and pot pies BUT that doesn't mean you have to let yourself forget the RULES of KEEPING it OFF! Here's a reminder to keep you full and satisfied this winter, but not packing on the pounds....
1. 80/20 RULE eat well 80% of the time with 20% allowances to treat
2. PORTION control! Then literally you can have a little of everything IF ....see rule #3...
3. EAT your fruits and veggies, they will LOVE your waistline!
4. If your pants are suddenly tight...guess what...you've better get back to #3...clothes don't lie ;)
5. One sweet a day or every other day, avoid too much sugar...it likes to turn to fat, ya dig?
6. Treat yourself every week to something...and guess what? It doesn't have to be food, find other ways to reward yourself for healthy behavior.
7. Make a goal to be 5 lbs thinner by next spring, not dreading to get that bathing suit back out, but to be excited to! You got this, B-fitters!!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
A little inspiration...:)
Today is your day to SHINE! Sure, sure you're like...it's Thursday...uh why should I shine? Because you have been or are going to get B-FIT4U! It's almost the weekend so take the time to rejuvenate, get moving, call an old friend, read a good book! Whatever you do...B-FIT4U! Think about your food choices, climb a tree, try something new, smile a bit more! B-FIT4U is about wellness from the inside out!! Take care of YOU and your healthy body will thank you!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Did you know that you're 33% more likely to overeat when you're OVERTIRED!? Indeed!! Getting your zzzzz's is even more important than you thought! Hey we get it, you're on the GO you're making things happen, getting an appropriate amount of sleep to keep your body recharged can be difficult....but are all those goals you're striving for truly enjoyed when your sleeping on the job? Nope. So turn those electronics off an hour before your bedtime, find a peaceful spot to quiet those nagging thoughts, lists and deadlines. When you take time for you, there will be MORE of you to share with the world! Your thoughts and ideas will be more brilliant and clear! And guess what? Your waistline will thank you, too! Stress and no sleep is a combination for overeating and unhealthy habits, and weight gain. You can burn the candlestick at both ends and expect not to get....burned ;) Now go to sleep...ok maybe later when your done working, but go to bed!-FoodieGIRL
Thursday, August 28, 2014
TOP this!
Sooooo I've been revisiting some of my good for you favorites at the grocery store lately. Things we love here at B-FIT4U that are wonderful, yummy and delicious (and healthy, of course) that will take you into the Fall and Winter season, without taking you into the bulky sweater zone (you know what we mean ;) One of our faves....VITATOPS! These cute little muffin tops (found in the freezer section) are soooooo yummy! Only 100 calories, full of fiber, to keep you full, AND tons of vitamins! Kids love them, too! In flavors like chocolate chip, carrot cake and double chocolate, you will be hooked! They are great for breakfast or snack time, but super wonderful to bring to your local coffee shop to pair with your skinny latte! Why? So you won't be tempted to get one of those sugary, calorie laden bakery treats they offer. Why would you want to sabotage your healthy eating like that! Your B-FIT4U! So revisit those VITATOPS this week! Gotta run, ours just is waiting with our up of green tea! Morning snack energy boost!
Monday, August 25, 2014
So first let me say.....the sign on the Burger King that says, "chicken fries are back!" Seriously, disturbs me....
I don't think those two words together could be anything good for...in fact my thighs shuttered as I read it.....so health wise....stay away from those chicken fries!!!
And with that revelation, let's talk nutrition bars to throw in your bag, in your car, in your world so you'll avoid that dreaded drive thru...those chicken fries...and those unwanted calories and fat!
So in review, as I've stated before some great protein, nutrition bars (and great flavor, too) are:
Kind bars
Think thin
Cliff bars
Calorie count of 150 or less, consider that a snack, 230 or more, a meal replacement. Try for low sugar options, and 6g or more of protein.
AND a NEW favorite.....SMART bars! Organic whole oats, gluten free, and wholesome whey for protein, in flavors like apple cinnamon, and cranberry flax. TRY it! And get out there and MOVE! Don't let those calories own you! Use them for energy and get up and GO!!! You got this B-fitters!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Veg out!!
Veggies, ya gotta eat them, they aren't just good for you, they will keep your waistline slim, your cholesterol down, and help you lose weight! AND they are DELICIOUS!! And if you don't think so, you just need to get creative with them. Sure you can dice them, slice them and bag them so their ready to eat....throw them in your bag for a quick snack on the go....but you can also have them on hand to toss them into your morning eggs or quick stir fry dinner. Pair with your favorite fruit and cheese board for a little afternoon snack, or swap your regular sandwich for a salad, saving a ton of calories in the middle of the day! And add sauces to change it up, dip or sauté those veggies in pesto, or marinara, or how about ranch dressing made with a Greek yogurt! However you want to prepare them, remember to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy, you must include those veggies!
Monday, August 18, 2014
You ARE......
You ARE NOT the number on your scale. Losing unwanted pounds should be to keep you on a healthy path for your body, mind and soul. So stop fretting and get moving! Eat healthy foods that will fuel the energy to keep your body on the go!! And use how your clothes fit and make you feel as a measure of your progress, don't overuse that scale, and never obsess over those numbers. You are more than a number!! You are B-FIT4U!!!
****This scale will only tell you the numerical value of your gravitational pull. It will not tell you how beautiful you are, how much your friends and family love you, AND how AMAZING you are!! ****
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Crockpot SALSA!!
It's here....crockpot salsa!! You heard right! Soooooo easy, soooo goooood for you, and you can put salsa on EVERYTHING!! Chicken, fish, eggs, steak, steamed veggies, whole grain tortilla chips, or as your favorite sandwich spread. All we can say is eat it up, YUM!
Crockpot Salsa
8 big ol tomatoes
2 green peppers
1 red pepper
1 jalapeño
1 poblano pepper
2 cloves garlic
1 tbs salt and 1 tbs pepper
Handful cilantro ( do not put in crockpot, save for the end)
Chop everything roughly and throw into crockpot for 3 hours on high. Do not add water, the veggies contain enough themselves. Once the veggies are soft, with a slotted spoon, leaving excess juice from veggies in crockpot, remove in batches and pulse in a blender with a handful of cilantro, and more salt and pepper to taste, until desired consistency. ( if you like it chunky or smooth) Eat right away warm with tortilla chips, or jar it and place in fridge until chilled.
***use excess "broth" liquid in crockpot to make a delightful tortilla soup by adding leftover or rotisserie chicken, crunched up tortilla chips, avocado and fresh sliced tomatoes, AND. A dollop of your homemade salsa!! Two meals in one! You're welcome ;)-FoodieGIRL
Monday, August 11, 2014
Snacks 4 school and ANYTIME!
Hellooooo B-fitters! It's back to school time, and whether you're in school, have kids at school, or are working your tail to the bone at work, we all need snacks....nutritious ones, throughout our day to keep our energy up, and our brains focused!!! (And keep that metabolism burning fat and unwanted calories!) So here are some fun ones that kids and adults will love!
Dick and Jane educational snacks.....whole grain goodness in a snack, cracker cookie, nut free, and no artificial ingredients, oh and they have fun pics on them so your kids can learn while they snack!
KIND healthy protein granola, yum!
Pirates booty popcorn
Fruit gummi nuggets by Florida's Natural, made with real fruit!
GOGO squeez applesauce
Simply 7, cheddar quinoa chips....protein, whole grains, winner!
So eat up, get up and move this Fall! And snack happy and healthfully!- FoodieGIRL
Monday, July 28, 2014
I need to remind myself of the quote below....everyday, but I do practice this regularly. AND when you practice it, you will find inner peace too! These words couldn't be more true. So in this world of busy, remember to take care of you, and don't let the chaos dictate your day, remember what PEACE really means.....
PEACE......it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work, it means to be in the midst of those things and still BE CALM IN YOUR HEART.
And always B- FIT4U, mind body and soul- FoodieGIRL
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The almighty TOMATO!
Let's make tomato sauce! Soooo easy and delicious and with all those farmers markets, and your very own garden, there are plenty of tomatoes available to make into anything you can dream up!!
And did you know that tomatoes have incredible health benefits?? YEP! They contain lypcopene which brings incredible antioxidant power,can lower cholesterol and bring you great heart health! So eat those tomatoes up!! Whether you like them diced in your scramble in the morning, or as a sandwich or salad in the afternoon, getting your tomato on is a health benefit you don't want to give up! AND if eating them raw is just not your thing, hey that's ok! They are just as beneficial cooked, so try our tomato sauce on everything, from your pasta, to your toast, on your eggs, or just with a spoon, it's that good!!
HERE ya go!
Roasted tomato sauce
5 ripe tomatoes
1/2 vidalia onion
3 garlic cloves
2 TBS olive oil
Course salt and black pepper to taste
Fresh basil and oregano
1/4 cup hot water
Cut tomatoes and onion into quarters, peel garlic. Toss together onto greased baking sheet with olive oil, and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper. Roast at 450 for 25 minutes, until tender and tomatoes begin to slightly blacken on their skins. Remove from oven and place all into blender with a handful of basil and oregano (5 leaves or so and 1/4 cup fresh oregano, if using dried herbs use 2 TBS of each) AND blend until smooth, adding hot water to loosen, being carful not to make too liquidy....at this point you can add another TBS of olive oil and more salt and pepper to taste. Serve on your favorite whole grain pasta or vegetables, eggs, bread, or simple eat with that spoon, I told you, it's that good!!!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Here ya go!
Time to reevaluate your summer and reboot! That is it's never too late to undo any healthy eating patterns you've adopted over the summer. Perhaps your weekend cocktail has turned into a 7 day slosh fest;) OR your one sweet a day has creeped into a lot of sugar throughout your whole day. Are you overeating those carbs and forgetting your salad for lunch or are late night cravings packing on the pounds? Well then indeed it's time to reboot!!
And start small...you don't have to go cold turkey...you know better, this never works and always leaves you and everyone that knows you, miserable, cause you're hungry!!
First start with the basics
Interval eating...rev up that metabolism with small meals every 3 hours
Try switching your carb laden lunch OR dinner with a healthy salad and soup combo
No eating after dinner, late night eating is only going to pack on the pounds
Start with a a healthy breakfast
And when it comes to sugar....watch where it's hidden, beverages, baked goods, AND be mindful when eating. Perhaps one sweet a day :)
Measure out those servings and portion control! Always a great way to eat what you want, and lose those pounds or maintain your weight loss.
Now don't feel you have to do ALL these things at once....start slow, adopt 1 or 2 of these healthy habits a week until ALL of them ARE apart of your healthy routine. Don't wait for FALL to lose the pounds, start TODAY on your way to HEALTHY! YOU'RE worth it! B-FIT4U :)
Friday, July 18, 2014
Rotisserie Chicken
Oh don't you just love those rotisserie chickens in the grocery store? WHAT, you've never had one? Oh you must buy one!! Whether your food shopping is on the weekend or beginning of the week, a rotisserie chicken is a great pick to have in your fridge for a lowfat, low calorie protein source because you can add it to everything!!!
Here are our favorite ways to use that chicken....
Add to Campbell's or Lipton noodle soup to boost your soups nutritional content and protein (add 1/2 cup frozen veggies to the soup too, while it's boiling, and you've got a GREAT meal!!)
Pick that chicken apart and add to tacos, quesadillas, or wraps!
And how's about a wonderful chicken salad made with plain Greek yogurt, veggies and dill!
Or add to your omelette with fresh tomato, onion and cheese.
The possibilities are endless!!
So remember this weekend, good nutrition doesn't mean you have to sacrifice good food flavors!! Get out there and EAT the bounty of goodness that awaits you!! Happy Weekend B- Fitters!!- FoodieGIRL
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Laughing cow
Hellooooooo B-fitters!!
Are you all caught up on your summer reading? By that we mean, have you noticed our posts have been less frequent? Well, we know summer is a fun time to leisurely read and catch up on all you've been missing! And so that's exactly what we want you to do, have the time to catch up on all of our B-FIT4U articles. Try some of our recipes from last spring, gather some inspiration from last fall/winter and get moving on that weight loss you keep putting off! You're worth it!!
And with that here's something new to throw into your weight loss repertoire! Laughing cow cheese! Those yummy little wedges are only 35 calories, soooooo spread them on toast, top with sliced tomato and fresh spinach and you have a lowfat, low calorie snack or lunch or top with an egg for added protein....and breakfast is served! Laughing cow is great to add to pasta or veggies for some extra creaminess without all the fat and calories too!! The possibilities are endless, but your weight loss success, eating healthy and feeling great are up to you! Make the choice to B-FIT4U!!!!!! -FoodieGIRL
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Secret to my success, how to lose weight and maintain that weight loss! Biggest question, statement inquiry I get in my B-FIT4U inbox! And today here's one way to do all that and MORE.....VEGGIES!!
I know news flash, you've heard it before but seriously, folks, YOU'RE NOT GOING to gain weight eating veggies, in fact you will lose weight if you provide your body with these fiber, nutrient dense GEMS of the EARTH!!
And here's our B-FIT4U secret......make a plate of fresh chopped veggies ( we like celery carrots cucumbers and red peppers, but whatever you love!) AND eat that plate before dinner, while you are making dinner. Sure I've heard drink a glass of water before a meal to stave off overeating, and that's a great one too because we are often thirsty when we think we're hungry, BUT try this weight loss trick....eat those veggies before you're meal!! You'll be fuller faster, eat less AND still satisfy your belly! ( without getting a belly, ya dig?)
It's simple, it works, do it!! You'll love the results!!
(Mindful eating all day with all our B-FIT4U tips) will bring you the BEST results, so don't forget your portion control this summer, that includes wine/alcohol ;)
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Another great thing to EAT!!
Ok 2nd Day of product secrets!!
I absolutely LOVE this one.....Joseph's Flatbread!!! It comes in different flavors but multigrain is really, especially awesome!!! Perfect for roll up sandwiches or to tear and dip into your favorite soup or saucy meal! AND with only 90 calories for one flatbread, and believe me one is filling and big!!! It's a win win! 10 net carbs, 1 g sugar and 11 all Natural whole grains!!! What are you waiting for????
By the way, I have found these both in the bread aisle, but most often in the deli aisle near the pre prepared foods.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Product SECRETS!
Happy Monday B-fitters!! Welcome to your LIFE!! Embrace it!!! Hope your 4th of July weekend was wonderful and that you remembered that the key to a successful Holiday is to eat mindfully, successfully to staying on track!!
So this week I'm letting you in on some secrets!! Oooooooh delicious, right? That is great sensible snacking and eating to keep that weight off and make your heart HAPPY!!!!!!
So let's start with BLUE diamond product NUT THINS. Just had a reminder of these from my sister in law, can't believe they had fallen off my radar!? A wonderfully crisp cracker made of you guessed it, nuts! So they are wheat free, gluten free and did I mention a serving is 17 crackers!?!? Yes!!!! Sign me up! And with flavors like cheeeeeese, sea salt, ranch and more! It's a win win for your healthy eating routine!!! Pair with a tuna salad or quinoa salad or hearty bowl of soup for dipping, and you have a nutritious filling healthy meal!!! Get out there, gorgeous and flaunt those beautiful healthy curves, cause you've been taking care of your body this summer and showing that bathing suit who's boss with your healthy eating!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Summer is a FUN busy time, if you play it just right! Time with friends, time with family AND don't forget to make TIME for YOU!! Summer is a time to reflect, relax and leisurely count those blessings that so abundantly mark your life with goodness. You have the power to bring in more goodness with a positive mind and outlook on your health. Don't let summer time relax time be an excuse to be LAX on your diet and exercise aka. Good nutrition!!! Take the hot weather as a sign to eat lots of water and fiber filled veggies and salad to keep you hydrated and energized!!! And when it comes to celebrating all those summer picnics, BBQ, vacations and pool days remember those calories too! Sure have fun! But just like food, pick and choose when you indulge in those cocktails, and when to slow down, your abs will thank you! ;)
Monday, June 23, 2014
Start your week off right with this fiber rich salad! Easy to pack and chill with by the pool or on a picnic....or at work while you dream about that summer vacation you're going on! Fill your body up with good nutrition and like a sunny summer day, your body is going to SHINE!!
Simply YUM salad
1/2 cup can white beans
1 stalk celery chopped
1 carrot chopped
1/2 tomato chopped
1/4 cup cucumber chopped
Salt, pepper, oregano to taste
Tbs olive oil
Tsp fresh lemon juice
Toss all together and served chilled....eat poolside and relax, it's summer afterall!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Two tips you should do....TODAY!
Weight loss comes from small things you do everyday....key here....EVERYDAY! A small change in your eating habits can bring BIG results! Just as eating a donut everyday will inevitably make love handles your enemy ;) choosing a salad everyday at lunch will make bathing suits your friend :)
So two tips for you to adopt into your eating lifestyle...TODAY!
Eat a salad everyday for lunch. Swap that big 'ol calorie laden sandwich at your local deli for a salad with lean protein, lots of veggies and you can even have some extras like walnuts, or dried fruits tossed on there. Go for lowfat dressings OR at least keep dressing to a serving, 1-2 tablespoons. Nothing wrong w/ carbs, but losing them here at lunchtime, can help you LOSE those inches in the long run!!
Measure out those snacks!! Do not, we repeat, do not bring an entire box or bag of chips or crackers to the pool, beach, OR road trip this summer. Measure out snack bags to portion out that chips or cracker snack for your on the road or chilling adventures. It's easy to eat tooooo much when you're vacationing SO don't use that as an excuse for bad nutrition. Save on your calories when snacking, then you can indulge in a cocktail later. It's all in the BALANCE!! Pick and choose AND you will LOSE ( those unwanted pounds)
So two tips for you to adopt into your eating lifestyle...TODAY!
Eat a salad everyday for lunch. Swap that big 'ol calorie laden sandwich at your local deli for a salad with lean protein, lots of veggies and you can even have some extras like walnuts, or dried fruits tossed on there. Go for lowfat dressings OR at least keep dressing to a serving, 1-2 tablespoons. Nothing wrong w/ carbs, but losing them here at lunchtime, can help you LOSE those inches in the long run!!
Measure out those snacks!! Do not, we repeat, do not bring an entire box or bag of chips or crackers to the pool, beach, OR road trip this summer. Measure out snack bags to portion out that chips or cracker snack for your on the road or chilling adventures. It's easy to eat tooooo much when you're vacationing SO don't use that as an excuse for bad nutrition. Save on your calories when snacking, then you can indulge in a cocktail later. It's all in the BALANCE!! Pick and choose AND you will LOSE ( those unwanted pounds)
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Breakfast Coooooookies!!

Breakfast Cookies
2 cups walnuts ( place in cuisinart or blender until finely chopped, almost a flour consistency)
1 1/2 cups Old Fashioned Oats
3/4 cup wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup Smart Balance spread
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 Tbs. Ground flaxseed
1 1/2 tsp finely grated orange zest
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup vanilla lowfat yogurt ( we used dairy free, also an option)
1 egg
1 1/2 cups dates, pitted and chopped pretty finely, like raisin size
1 cup dark chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375 and grease baking sheets. Combine ingredients, folding in dates and chips at the end. Mound breakfast cookie dough into 1/4 cup measuring cup and place on baking sheet to measure out each cookie for baking. Then press down with palm of hand to flatten before placing in oven. (Each cookie is meant to be one large cooking serving.) Bake 18 to 20 minutes. Let cool, then transfer to Tupperware to keep in fridge. (They stay fresher longer and a better consistency if refrigerated). Makes about 16 cookies. Similar calories to a protein meal bar at 230 calories. Great breakfast option or on the go meal "cookie". Enjoy!!
Monday, June 16, 2014
I need a new GOAL....
Have you felt this way before? That inner dialogue that comes with a Monday morning, (after perhaps a weekend of eating a little too much on the wrong side of the healthy train?)
Hey that's what Mondays are for, fresh starts!!!
So your goal is to eat healthier, lose weight, consume less sugar, find an apple everyday AND eat it!.......whatever those goals are...START small! If you need to lose, you have to CHOOSE small goals, or you won't last to the end of the race. Sure keep your eye on the prize, perhaps that wedding you're headed to in a month or two, or that bathing suit ready bod for that vacation you're excited for....whatever your motivator, start with small WEEKLY goals. This will keep you on track AND before you know it, 5 lbs will turn into 10, to 20 and so on!!
Sooooo this week make your FIRST SMALL goal....a great one is....for the next 5 days count your calories or food log what you're eating to stay on track. How about very little sugar, instead opting for natural sugars in fruit for dessert OR an apple a day, a salad for lunch everyday, or no carbs at dinner, opting for lean proteins and tons of fiber filled veggies. A 7 day goal will be easier to keep on track to your 3 month goal to overall change! Each week, add to the first goal, and before you know it, you will have formed new healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
TOMORROW.....A Breakfast Cookie Recipe sooooo delicious, you'll never know it's healthy and SOOOO GOOOD for you!!
Hey that's what Mondays are for, fresh starts!!!
So your goal is to eat healthier, lose weight, consume less sugar, find an apple everyday AND eat it!.......whatever those goals are...START small! If you need to lose, you have to CHOOSE small goals, or you won't last to the end of the race. Sure keep your eye on the prize, perhaps that wedding you're headed to in a month or two, or that bathing suit ready bod for that vacation you're excited for....whatever your motivator, start with small WEEKLY goals. This will keep you on track AND before you know it, 5 lbs will turn into 10, to 20 and so on!!
Sooooo this week make your FIRST SMALL goal....a great one is....for the next 5 days count your calories or food log what you're eating to stay on track. How about very little sugar, instead opting for natural sugars in fruit for dessert OR an apple a day, a salad for lunch everyday, or no carbs at dinner, opting for lean proteins and tons of fiber filled veggies. A 7 day goal will be easier to keep on track to your 3 month goal to overall change! Each week, add to the first goal, and before you know it, you will have formed new healthy habits that will last a lifetime.
TOMORROW.....A Breakfast Cookie Recipe sooooo delicious, you'll never know it's healthy and SOOOO GOOOD for you!!
Friday, June 13, 2014
This weekend.....
If you can do one thing for yourself THIS weekend....MOVE!! Get off that couch and get out there into nature and get back to yourself. Whether you're meditating yogi that loves to whisper to the butterflies while breathing deeply...namaste...a running firecracker ready to hit the pavement with great gusto....or a hiker with a new pair of boots ready to break in that trail...GET OUT THERE AND MOVE!! Just like eating healthfully is an everyday decision....EXERCISE will not do you any good if you only visit it every once in awhile. You cannot keep getting off that horse and expect results; you must stay on it to go from a successful gallop to an all out run into your fitness routine!
BE consistent! CONSISTENCY is KEY to losing weight, maintaining and keeping it off!!! So don't let the stale walls of your local gym deter you from exercising....put those sneakers on and GET outside or put on an exercise tape (rainy days are great for this!) AND do so something really awesome for yourself THIS weekend.....MOVE!
Always in good health ~FoodieGIRL
BE consistent! CONSISTENCY is KEY to losing weight, maintaining and keeping it off!!! So don't let the stale walls of your local gym deter you from exercising....put those sneakers on and GET outside or put on an exercise tape (rainy days are great for this!) AND do so something really awesome for yourself THIS weekend.....MOVE!
Always in good health ~FoodieGIRL
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
80% / 20%
No excuses...food is the problem in your weight loss regimen....YES you have to exercise...don't shutter at that word either...exercise can be hiking your favorite path while meditating, or speed walking with a friend through your neighborhood while catching up on the news....the point here is MOVE!! But in all that moving....DON'T waste that exercise on BAD NUTRITION!!
80% of your weight loss is going to come down to the food you are consuming. If you don't address that, you will not lose the weight....repeat NOT lose weight. Sucks right? But seriously, I don't want to waste my time, do you?? Fitting exercise in a busy day is difficult enough, WHY sabotage that progress by overeating??
You CAN EAT YOURSELF THIN....yep it's true!!! Let's get real here...did you gain the weight by eating good for you foods, watching your portions and serving sizes, sugar and carbs? NOPE you didn't. You ate in a way that caused you to gain weight. SO guess what...you can eat in a way to make yourself thin, too!!
Don't play coy, you know what's good for you and what's bad for you when it comes to food.
Sugar, processed carbs avoid them! Start with swaps like lean proteins, high fiber meals ( veggies, fruit, multigrains) Bring down your large meals by practicing serving size/ portion control. AND eat 5 times a day, that is 3 meals, 2 snacks that are spread 2-3 hrs apart to rev that metabolism.
Stop sabotaging your exercise and weight loss with bad nutrition and poor choices with food. If you don't address the food as you do the exercise, with great gusto....then you will be forever stuck in a pattern of gain, lose, gain, lose. It's time to get real and accept the fact that the KEY to your weight loss is indeed FOOD.
DON'T BE afraid to ask for help and guidance....
Great ways to gain food knowledge, proper nutrition, and portion control:
Food program that reworks your relationship with food in a positive way like, Weight watchers
Your local gym ( trainers or food coaches)
Wellness center
80% of your weight loss is going to come down to the food you are consuming. If you don't address that, you will not lose the weight....repeat NOT lose weight. Sucks right? But seriously, I don't want to waste my time, do you?? Fitting exercise in a busy day is difficult enough, WHY sabotage that progress by overeating??
You CAN EAT YOURSELF THIN....yep it's true!!! Let's get real here...did you gain the weight by eating good for you foods, watching your portions and serving sizes, sugar and carbs? NOPE you didn't. You ate in a way that caused you to gain weight. SO guess what...you can eat in a way to make yourself thin, too!!
Don't play coy, you know what's good for you and what's bad for you when it comes to food.
Sugar, processed carbs avoid them! Start with swaps like lean proteins, high fiber meals ( veggies, fruit, multigrains) Bring down your large meals by practicing serving size/ portion control. AND eat 5 times a day, that is 3 meals, 2 snacks that are spread 2-3 hrs apart to rev that metabolism.
Stop sabotaging your exercise and weight loss with bad nutrition and poor choices with food. If you don't address the food as you do the exercise, with great gusto....then you will be forever stuck in a pattern of gain, lose, gain, lose. It's time to get real and accept the fact that the KEY to your weight loss is indeed FOOD.
DON'T BE afraid to ask for help and guidance....
Great ways to gain food knowledge, proper nutrition, and portion control:
Food program that reworks your relationship with food in a positive way like, Weight watchers
Your local gym ( trainers or food coaches)
Wellness center
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Hello B-fitters!! Where have I been and why haven't I posted? Just giving you a chance to catch up on ALL the great posts from the present and past! You're busy enough, I wanted to give you some summer leisure time to read, reflect and use all that good nutrition and wellness advice that B- FIT4U has to offer! And on that note....
Let's talk about the chain SMOOTHIE KING.....I have to admit, I had to see it to believe it BUT they have really changed their format....no longer are there these ambiguous calorie laden smoothies of the past BUT they now call themselves "nutritional centers" ......and I have to admit once again....they had me at whey protein, vitamin extract and immune booster. You see now you can taylor your smoothie to your nutritional needs and wants, even getting vegetable juice, kale and wheat grass shots in your drink. Their calories for each smoothie are clearly labeled....a great thing....but make sure that you are still serving conscious ( sometimes I order the kids version of things, half the calories!!) But you can have your higher calorie smoothie as a meal replacement, something I love to do when I'm busy, or just want something refreshing in this summer heat AND when I want a quick energy boost, or serving of fruits and veggies. SO stop into the SMOOTHIE KING and get creative with your nutrition!!
Let's talk about the chain SMOOTHIE KING.....I have to admit, I had to see it to believe it BUT they have really changed their format....no longer are there these ambiguous calorie laden smoothies of the past BUT they now call themselves "nutritional centers" ......and I have to admit once again....they had me at whey protein, vitamin extract and immune booster. You see now you can taylor your smoothie to your nutritional needs and wants, even getting vegetable juice, kale and wheat grass shots in your drink. Their calories for each smoothie are clearly labeled....a great thing....but make sure that you are still serving conscious ( sometimes I order the kids version of things, half the calories!!) But you can have your higher calorie smoothie as a meal replacement, something I love to do when I'm busy, or just want something refreshing in this summer heat AND when I want a quick energy boost, or serving of fruits and veggies. SO stop into the SMOOTHIE KING and get creative with your nutrition!!
Friday, May 30, 2014
Sweet and Salty!
The weekend is a time to relax, BUT not to forget about good nutrition! This salad adds good for you ingredients with a little indulgence(mozzarella and prosciutto) to add a sweet and salty mix to your lazy summer days, without weighing you down! ENJOY!
Grilled Asparagus with Melon (and Mozzarella!)
(Courtesy of Giada DeLaurentis)
- 2 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto
- 1 pound asparagus, trimmed
- 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus 2 tablespoons
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 small melon (about 12 ounces), peeled, seeded and cut into 3/4-inch cubes
- 4 ounces fresh mozzarella or burrata cheese, cut into 3/4-inch cubes
- 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted* see Cook's Note
Place an oven rack in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the prosciutto in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes until crispy. Drain on paper towels. Chop the prosciutto into 1/4-inch pieces.
Place a grill pan over medium-high heat or preheat a gas or charcoal grill. In a medium bowl, toss together the asparagus and 2 teaspoons olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Grill for 2 to 3 minutes each side until crisp-tender.
In a medium bowl, combine the lemon juice and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Whisk until combined. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Add the melon and mozzarella cheese and toss until all ingredients are combined.
Arrange the asparagus on a platter. Using a slotted spoon, spoon the melon and burrata cheese on top of the asparagus. Drizzle any remaining vinaigrette over the top. Sprinkle the prosciutto and pine nuts on top and serve.
*Cook's Note: To toast pine nuts, arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 350 degrees F oven for 8 to 12 minutes until lightly browned.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
COOL recipes for a HOT summer!
Whether you have a great garden of your own,or the local farmer's market is calling your name, veggies are a great way to stay trim, hydrated and FIT, especially during those hot summer months! But when the old crudite plate seems so boring, they are a ton of recipes out there where VEGGIES are the STAR of the SHOW! One of our favorites is GAZPACHO! Chilled soup for a hot day, what could be better? So filling, refreshing, and sooooooo goooood for you! It's a winner and will make you slimmer, too!
Gazpacho (courtesy of simply recipes)
Don't let this laundry list of ingredients make you nervous, you throw it all into a blender and GO! :)
- 6 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped
- 1 purple onion, finely chopped
- 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped
- 1 sweet red bell pepper (or green) seeded and chopped
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 1-2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
- 2 Tbsp chopped fresh chives
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
- 6 or more drops of Tabasco sauce to taste
- 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce (omit for vegetarian option)
- 4 cups tomato juice
Combine all ingredients. Blend slightly, to desired consistency. Place in non-metal, non-reactive storage container, cover tightly and refrigerate overnight, allowing flavors to blend.OR EAT RIGHT AWAY~YUM!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Stay Hydrated!
Very often we think we are hungry when actually we are THIRSTY!
AND with all the time you'll be spending outdoors during these warmer weather months, it's important to keep yourself hydrated!
WATER is BEST! But things like Unsweet Tea (or lightly sweetened with lemonade and mint is what we love around here!) OR make yourself things like blended frozen fruit with water (aqua fresca) OR even milk (great protein pickup in the afternoon) OR KEEP A PITCHER OF WATER IN THE FRIDGE FILLED WITH CITRUS AND CUCUMBER (a great refreshing way to keep you full and you guessed it, hydrated!)
SO remember, before reaching for that snack,
- 6 pounds seedless watermelon, cut into 2-inch pieces
- 2 cups cold water, divided
- 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice
- 1 tablespoon agave nectar or honey
- Ice cubes
- Lime slices and mint leaves for garnish (optional)
Cut the watermelon flesh from the rind. In a blender, process half the watermelon pieces with 1 cup of water until smooth. Pour through a strainer into a pitcher. Repeat the process with the remaining melon and water. You should end up with about 8 cups of juice. Stir in the lime juice and agave. Pour into ice-filled glasses and garnish with lime slices and mint.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Happy weekend!
An open letter to your SOUL.....
This weekend take the time to count your blessings! It's summer, maybe you have a graduating family member from school, your pool has finally opened, your husband is home from traveling, your toddler has picked you a wildflower with the biggest smile, or you're going to spend time with family. However you choose to spend your weekend, choose to B-FIT4U, not only feeding your body with good nutrition and exercise, BUT feed your soul! See that beauty around you and your many blessings. Take time to exhale. Bring a beautiful existence of peace around you by seeing it in every flower, tree, smile, friend. This weekend remember, each and every day...You are BLESSED by the positive energy you put out to the world.
Always in good health, ~FoodieGIRL oxo
This weekend take the time to count your blessings! It's summer, maybe you have a graduating family member from school, your pool has finally opened, your husband is home from traveling, your toddler has picked you a wildflower with the biggest smile, or you're going to spend time with family. However you choose to spend your weekend, choose to B-FIT4U, not only feeding your body with good nutrition and exercise, BUT feed your soul! See that beauty around you and your many blessings. Take time to exhale. Bring a beautiful existence of peace around you by seeing it in every flower, tree, smile, friend. This weekend remember, each and every day...You are BLESSED by the positive energy you put out to the world.
Always in good health, ~FoodieGIRL oxo
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Rum vs Vodka
Yes, we're going there today...RUM VS. VODKA!
Why is it that when the weather gets warmer aka. summertime! we all want to cocktail more than we ever have before? Is it the sun, the sand, the pool, the beach?
Well, whatever your drink of choice is think sugar....you don't want your alcoholic beverages to have tons of sugar. SO choose vodka over sugar-laden rum when making your cocktails (or only have 1 rum drink on occasion) AND whatever cocktails you consume, use sensible portion control, just as you do with food.
WHY? Because your drink beverages add up in calories just as FAST as food calories! 2 drink minimum. Drink Sensibly! B-FIT4U!
And ladies (and gentlemen, too) refreshing white wine, that you oh so love to have chilled on a delightful summer pool day is full of...you guessed it...SUGAR! So again, don't over do it.
You worked hard for that healthy bathing suit bod, don't get the alcohol belly pudge this summer!
Alcohol LOVES to slow down your metabolism and your inhibitions, too causing you to munch munch munch and crunch the wrong foods. So think before you drink this summer!
Why is it that when the weather gets warmer aka. summertime! we all want to cocktail more than we ever have before? Is it the sun, the sand, the pool, the beach?
Well, whatever your drink of choice is think sugar....you don't want your alcoholic beverages to have tons of sugar. SO choose vodka over sugar-laden rum when making your cocktails (or only have 1 rum drink on occasion) AND whatever cocktails you consume, use sensible portion control, just as you do with food.
WHY? Because your drink beverages add up in calories just as FAST as food calories! 2 drink minimum. Drink Sensibly! B-FIT4U!
And ladies (and gentlemen, too) refreshing white wine, that you oh so love to have chilled on a delightful summer pool day is full of...you guessed it...SUGAR! So again, don't over do it.
You worked hard for that healthy bathing suit bod, don't get the alcohol belly pudge this summer!
Alcohol LOVES to slow down your metabolism and your inhibitions, too causing you to munch munch munch and crunch the wrong foods. So think before you drink this summer!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Watermelon and Bathing Suits
Summer is right around the corner...bathing suits, bathing suits, bathing suits...AAAAAH! Inevitably you're going to be wearing a bathing suit this summer..Are you ready? Listen, you don't have to be a model to rock a suit, you also do not have to wear a bikini to feel young! Just like regular clothes, wear what SUITS YOU! There's off the shoulder, skirted, one piece with a cinched waist...the list is endless. WEAR what you LOVE and you will never be uncomfortable. AND you have worked hard for that B-FIT4U attitude and body, rock it out this summer!
Watermelon Salad....a great healthy salad to keep you slim and trim all summer long!
2 cups watermelon cubed
1 seedless cucumber sliced
1 tomato sliced into bite size pieces
1/4 cup sliced red onion
2 tsps fresh mint
1 tsp honey
1 tbs red wine vinegar
1 tbs olive oil
pinch of sea salt and pepper
* crumbled feta cheese is fun to add to this salad too, try it!)
Toss everything together and ENJOY! Refreshing and FIGURE FRIENDLY, we like it!!
Watermelon Salad....a great healthy salad to keep you slim and trim all summer long!
2 cups watermelon cubed
1 seedless cucumber sliced
1 tomato sliced into bite size pieces
1/4 cup sliced red onion
2 tsps fresh mint
1 tsp honey
1 tbs red wine vinegar
1 tbs olive oil
pinch of sea salt and pepper
* crumbled feta cheese is fun to add to this salad too, try it!)
Toss everything together and ENJOY! Refreshing and FIGURE FRIENDLY, we like it!!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Happy Friday B-Fitters!
How has your WELLNESS WEEK been?
Have you taken time to BREATHE?
(hey 10 minutes of breathing and meditating can do a world of good!)
Have you beeen THANKFUL for the many BLESSINGS in your LIFE?
Have you put yourself FIRST?
(making yourself a priority will give you the energy to give back to the world around you)
Listen, let's get real here, you're busy, I'm busy, we're all busy...BUT "busy" is a choice. If you want things to be simple, YOU have the POWER to MAKE things SIMPLE in your LIFE. WHY? Because this is YOUR LIFE!
You are the painter of this empty canvas, you can add color, take it away, start again, explore your options and get as creative as you want with YOUR LIFE!
You are already a perfect creation, now go out there and spread that smile to the world, be the person you want to be! When in doubt.......just breathe~~~~~exhale~~~~~and breathe :)
A Blessed weekend to you all!
See you next week with lots of new recipes to keep you on track this summer and feeling great!
Always in Good Health~FoodieGIRL
How has your WELLNESS WEEK been?
Have you taken time to BREATHE?
(hey 10 minutes of breathing and meditating can do a world of good!)
Have you beeen THANKFUL for the many BLESSINGS in your LIFE?
Have you put yourself FIRST?
(making yourself a priority will give you the energy to give back to the world around you)
Listen, let's get real here, you're busy, I'm busy, we're all busy...BUT "busy" is a choice. If you want things to be simple, YOU have the POWER to MAKE things SIMPLE in your LIFE. WHY? Because this is YOUR LIFE!
You are the painter of this empty canvas, you can add color, take it away, start again, explore your options and get as creative as you want with YOUR LIFE!
You are already a perfect creation, now go out there and spread that smile to the world, be the person you want to be! When in doubt.......just breathe~~~~~exhale~~~~~and breathe :)
A Blessed weekend to you all!
See you next week with lots of new recipes to keep you on track this summer and feeling great!
Always in Good Health~FoodieGIRL
Thursday, May 15, 2014
In some sense of the word, we all struggle with "change".
Whether it's with food, relationships, work, or exercise, we all inevitably fall into a "rut" AND nothing good comes from rut status, ya dig?
Break out of your norm! Feel free to change everytime the wind blows...(ok don't get wishy washy on us all though..)
How's about this statement as powerful:" YOU CANNOT BE WHO YOU ARE GOING TO BE IF YOU REMAIN in THE PAST staring AT THE PERSON YOU ONCE WERE"...
That's right, flex those change muscles this week and do something out of the ordinary to make you feel truly extraordinary! Move out of your comfort zone by doing something new, or trying something you've always wanted to try AND turn that green light on>>>GO!
You're ready to move to the fast lane of CHANGE and it's going to FEEL GREAT!
Whether it's with food, relationships, work, or exercise, we all inevitably fall into a "rut" AND nothing good comes from rut status, ya dig?
Break out of your norm! Feel free to change everytime the wind blows...(ok don't get wishy washy on us all though..)
How's about this statement as powerful:" YOU CANNOT BE WHO YOU ARE GOING TO BE IF YOU REMAIN in THE PAST staring AT THE PERSON YOU ONCE WERE"...
That's right, flex those change muscles this week and do something out of the ordinary to make you feel truly extraordinary! Move out of your comfort zone by doing something new, or trying something you've always wanted to try AND turn that green light on>>>GO!
You're ready to move to the fast lane of CHANGE and it's going to FEEL GREAT!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
A little "food" for thought....
In continuing with our WELLNESS WEEK....a little "food" for thought:
Life's journey is just that...A JOURNEY......you're going to want more, be more, have more....BUT the secret to creating all the magic you long for....is to be THANKFUL for where you are right now. BE IN THE PRESENT, HOLD CLOSE TO YOUR HEART YOUR MANY BLESSINGS, and LIVE FOR THE MOMENT, right now, this glorious beautiful moment that is your life. Don't take it for granted, and always keep moving towards the good, that is you!
Life's journey is just that...A JOURNEY......you're going to want more, be more, have more....BUT the secret to creating all the magic you long for....is to be THANKFUL for where you are right now. BE IN THE PRESENT, HOLD CLOSE TO YOUR HEART YOUR MANY BLESSINGS, and LIVE FOR THE MOMENT, right now, this glorious beautiful moment that is your life. Don't take it for granted, and always keep moving towards the good, that is you!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Wellness from the inside out!
It's Wellness Week here at B-FIT4U, and we're going to inspire you to take care of yourself from the inside out with inspirational quotes and tips! It's time to take at least 20 minutes out of your day and focus on just you!! Have your heard yourself breathe lately? Time to EXHALE.....
A wise woman once said...."There is only one YOU in this world...create, inspire and dream around this one beautiful you, and let your light shine as a gift to everyone you meet."
So as you trample through perhaps the barb wire filled busy week of yours, look out to the field of daisies and know that they are yours for the choosing. You make your path, you make your HAPPY, you're in control of YOU, just BREATHE......
A wise woman once said...."There is only one YOU in this world...create, inspire and dream around this one beautiful you, and let your light shine as a gift to everyone you meet."
So as you trample through perhaps the barb wire filled busy week of yours, look out to the field of daisies and know that they are yours for the choosing. You make your path, you make your HAPPY, you're in control of YOU, just BREATHE......
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Quick Meal Replacement
I've mentioned these before, BUT since you've all been asking for quick meal/snacks on the go, here it is again BELVITA breakfast biscuits. FOUR biscuits in a package for 230 calories, they are great for a small meal replacement OR snack on the GO! And not just for breakfast! They are nutritional, sustainable energy to get you going! So toss them into your bag, briefcase, purse or car to have on hand, instead of that drive thru, ya dig? 19g of whole grains in one 4 biscuit serving, now that's what I'm talking about. DID WE MENTION THEY COME IN CHOCOLATE TOO? YUM!
ENJOY and Always B-FIT4U!~FoodieGIRL
Monday, May 5, 2014
Soul Searching
It's Monday, and as far as Mondays go....well, Mondays get such a bad rap. For many, it's the start of a new week, and although fresh starts are wonderful, it seems many of you dread getting back to the grind. But hey, it doesn't have to be that way. Sure there are inevitably going to be outside forces that are going to sway you throughout your week, make you work to the bone, and make you feel tired, tired, tired. BUT you don't have to let the outside always effect your inside.
YOU have the power to THINK POSTIVELY, REACT POSITIVELY, and MOVE in a direction that is good for your SOUL!
So when your busy life gets in the way of your happiness, remember three things, BREATHE, THINK POSITIVELY, and YOU have the POWER to REACT in a way that is good for your SOUL!
Eat well.
Be well.
A Positive MIND is a POWERFUL thing! USE IT to your ADVANTAGE and overcome the negative that binds you to a busy life. YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE IN CONTROL of your SOUL'S HAPPINESS :)
~always in good health!~FoodieGIRL
YOU have the power to THINK POSTIVELY, REACT POSITIVELY, and MOVE in a direction that is good for your SOUL!
So when your busy life gets in the way of your happiness, remember three things, BREATHE, THINK POSITIVELY, and YOU have the POWER to REACT in a way that is good for your SOUL!
Eat well.
Be well.
A Positive MIND is a POWERFUL thing! USE IT to your ADVANTAGE and overcome the negative that binds you to a busy life. YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE IN CONTROL of your SOUL'S HAPPINESS :)
~always in good health!~FoodieGIRL
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
20 minute RULE!
Have a problem with going for "seconds" at meal time?
Just taking a wee bit more food, after you've already had your portion, can count against your calories for the day, AND inevitably sabotage your weight loss! You're working toooooo hard for that to happen!! Remember 1 portion, 1 plateful, 1 serving!
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY this little TRICK....the 20 minute RULE!
What is it, and how can you use it? When you are done your meal, set your clock for 20 minutes, that is how long it take for your mind to signal your belly, "Hey I'm full!"
We all need a reminder of this! It's easy to fall into an uncomfortable feeling of "overfull", thinking that this is how we should feel at mealtimes. NOPE! You should feel satisfied, done, and full of energy, not slothing it on the couch after a meal ready for a nap, ya dig? (save that for Thanksgiving ;) Train your brain to understand what full is, not "roll me out the restaurant door full", and you will see a difference in that scale in no time!
Just taking a wee bit more food, after you've already had your portion, can count against your calories for the day, AND inevitably sabotage your weight loss! You're working toooooo hard for that to happen!! Remember 1 portion, 1 plateful, 1 serving!
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY this little TRICK....the 20 minute RULE!
What is it, and how can you use it? When you are done your meal, set your clock for 20 minutes, that is how long it take for your mind to signal your belly, "Hey I'm full!"
We all need a reminder of this! It's easy to fall into an uncomfortable feeling of "overfull", thinking that this is how we should feel at mealtimes. NOPE! You should feel satisfied, done, and full of energy, not slothing it on the couch after a meal ready for a nap, ya dig? (save that for Thanksgiving ;) Train your brain to understand what full is, not "roll me out the restaurant door full", and you will see a difference in that scale in no time!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Just a REVIEW~eating out!
So many of you message me each week about EATING OUT!
I get it, life is busy and sometimes rushing out for meals is your go to....BUT remember cooking a quick meal, being prepared with fresh ingredients from your grocery store is BEST. You want to know what goes into your food...fat and salt can be monitored when you make your own meals. BUT with that said, there are so many quick, healthy options out there, you just have to be prepared to CHOOSE wisely, and never use the excuse that you're eating out to eat unhealthy....unless it's your date night, or "cheat" meal (once a weekend for that is ok :) it will actually help you to stay on track if you have a little FUN with your food every once in awhile!
SO with that said, here you go with a REVIEW of our Eating out TIPS!
I get it, life is busy and sometimes rushing out for meals is your go to....BUT remember cooking a quick meal, being prepared with fresh ingredients from your grocery store is BEST. You want to know what goes into your food...fat and salt can be monitored when you make your own meals. BUT with that said, there are so many quick, healthy options out there, you just have to be prepared to CHOOSE wisely, and never use the excuse that you're eating out to eat unhealthy....unless it's your date night, or "cheat" meal (once a weekend for that is ok :) it will actually help you to stay on track if you have a little FUN with your food every once in awhile!
SO with that said, here you go with a REVIEW of our Eating out TIPS!
tips for EATING OUT
Eating out on a diet doesn't have to be
cause for panic. Sure, you hear about oversize restaurant portions and the
plethora of fattening menu choices available all the time, but that doesn't
mean dining out will doom your dieting efforts! Just use these 10 simple tips
for eating out on a diet:
Cram for tonight's dinner or lunch or breakfast. Many eateries post
their entire menu online so you can print it out for reference. If you often
eat at "mom and pop" type restaurants that aren't online, call and ask
for the menu to be faxed to you, or pick up a takeout menu on your next visit.
Highlight the healthiest options for each menu and store them all in a central
location. Then, when you are planning your next night out, take the time to
decide on your dishes at home before you've been tempted by the sight of other
Order your main dish from the appetizer menu. Not only are
appetizers more reasonably-portioned, they will save you some
money as well. (This is a great way to save enough calories and cash to
split dessert with someone!) Too peckish to be satisfied with just a starter?
Order a side salad,
too -- the fiber-rich
veggies will round out your meal. Soup is
so it's an awesome appetizer add-on, too (just steer clear of cream-based
Beware these high-fat menu buzz words: Cream sauce, butter,
oil, au gratin, breaded, Alfredo, battered or batter-dipped, "with
gravy," or smothered. Unless you've spared yourself treats for several
days and snacked on salad greens all day, these little "extras"
aren't worth
the extra calories.
Modify the menu. In my neck of the woods, anything and
everything can be batter-dipped and fried, so I make special requests all the
time. Many restaurants will take your dietary needs into account so you'll be a
happy customer and return. Don't hesitate to request anything on the menu to be
prepared in a more diet-friendly and for sauces or dressings to be served on
the side. It's not likely that you will be denied.
The meat is on. As tempting as that bucket of fried chicken
looked on the commercial before you left home, order poultry steamed, poached,
roasted, broiled, boiled, grilled or baked. Ask for skinless chicken whenever
possible or remove it yourself. If you do treat yourself to fried chicken,
choose white meat as it has fewer calories than dark. Of course, chicken,
chicken and more chicken gets old after a while, so if you're asking,
"Where's the beef?" allow yourself red meat a few times a week --
just be sure to choose leaner
cuts of meat like loin or flank.
Keep tabs on that tubini. Endless pasta at
your favorite Italian
restaurant may be carb-lovers' heaven (Darn near nirvana for yours truly!),
but it's a waist-widening trap for those of us who tend to
overeat (How are you supposed to know when to say "when" if they
keep bringing more?). As tempting as the great "value"
for your money that infinitely-refilling pasta bowl seems, it's certainly not
a bargain for your calorie budget. Order a portion-controlled
main dish instead. "Ixnay" on the endless breadsticks, too!
"Wrap it up, I'll take it!" You know you're at a
nice restaurant when the server takes your plate away and wraps up your
leftover food for you at the end of the meal. (And if you're in a really
nice restaurant, you'll get the eating out equivalent of a balloon animal --
the tin foil swan!) To ensure you don't leave sans swan, keep temptation
at bay and ask the server to wrap up half of your as soon as it is served.
Take control of takeout. You don't have to swear
off takeout when you're dieting -- there are many healthy
options at ethnic restaurants. Portion control
is key, though: Take out half of your takeout before dishing up your dinner,
put the food in microwave containers and tuck it away in the fridge
before you even start eating. (Instant will power and instant next-day
Banish buffets. Portion control can become a foreign
concept for even the most determined dieter at an all-you-can-eat buffet. (Who
can practice moderation when there are new, clean plates just beckoning to be
filled?) The sheer variety of foods available at buffets is also daunting --
studies have shown that when we're given more choices, we tend to eat more
without realizing it. Simply avoid buffet restaurants and you won't have to
face this temptation.
Mini meals are a must. It's smart to eat smaller meals
during the day when you're planning to dine out. Just don't eat too sparingly,
though -- you don't want to be so famished by the evening that you overeat. (It
was a dark day when I ate too-mini mini meals and -- clearly ignoring my
own tip number 9! -- visited a buffet in a ravenous state with a fellow
waist-watcher ... the look of sheer horror on her face as I went for round
number four is not something I will soon forget!) If mini meals don't
tide you over, have a small, healthful
snack in the afternoon to curb your
appetite and you'll be much more in control come dinner
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