Monday, September 22, 2014

The only way.....

"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible" Are you doing everything you can to lose those unwanted pounds? Are you making excuses and not getting out there often enough and moving! Is your excuse....well I've just hit a plateau? There is NO plateau, there is only YOU and your MIND! If things have slowed down as you reach for your healthiest self, then it comes down to these three things in this order....FOOD, FITNESS, YOU! You can exercise until the world spins off its axis, but if you fuel your body with unhealthy foods,you will not lose weight and you'll be sooooooo frustrated! Because all your hardwork in the gym, outside hiking, running, biking etc....will be wasted! So it comes down to you and food! Make it a priority to fuel your body with good for you foods, count those calories as you lose those pounds, stay focused, portion control, variety of foods, fruits, veggies, 5 meals a day, keeping that metabolism revved up eating every 3 hrs. You know what you have to do, no excuses! You've got this!! B-FIT4U!

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